ITSPmagazine Podcast Network

Can Artificial Intelligence Be An Artist? | An Audio Signals Conversation With Ben Kovalis

Episode Summary

This is a story that you haven’t heard yet, but we guarantee that it won’t be the last of its kind. It is a tale of art, technology, digital collectors, Artificial Intelligence, creativity, NFTs, and so much more.

Episode Notes

This is a story that you haven’t heard yet, but we guarantee that it won’t be the last of its kind. It is a tale of art, technology, digital collectors, Artificial Intelligence, creativity, NFTs (Non-fungible tokens), and so much more.

It starts with a painter that has spent precious time creating an original piece of art. As soon as the brush rests on the table, an art critic judges the job, forcing the artist to start over again and do better. The painter returns to work, the critic weights in again, and the process repeats until the antagonist is fooled. Finally, the adversarial challenge is over; the piece is minted and eventually sold to a human collector. Because you see, the artist is AI. And so is the critic.

Now the collector that acquired the piece is challenged as well. A new decision must be made: keeping the digital art, auctioning it, or obtaining a second one and eventually renounce both to create a new unique piece of the two originals that will be “burned” to give life to the new one and eventually be acquired, potentially changed by the new owners that will add yet another chapter to the history of the piece.  

An ever-changing art story is possible because of AI, NFTs, and the human creativity that fuels art.

So, can Artificial Intelligence be an artist? Can it be it on its own, or it must have the human input to be considered such?

Of this and much more, we talk in this podcast with Ben Kovalis and Marco Ciappelli.

Enjoy, and let us know your thoughts about the matter. Whether you are a digital or human entity, either way, we will treasure your feedback. 😬


Ben Kovalis

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NFT News

Open Sea reference to what was discussed

This is the first collection that consists of 10k pieces: 
This is the second generation collection of highly curated pieces:


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