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Charting the Path Forward: Navigating Security and Compliance at Collaborate 2024 | A HITRUST Collaborate 2024 Conversation with Leslie Jenkins, Robert Booker, Blake Sutherland, and Steve Perkins | On Location Coverage with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli

Episode Summary

Join Sean Martin for a Chats on the Road episode as he dives into an engaging discussion with industry leaders about the Collaborate 2024, an event focused on the latest in security, risk management, and compliance. Listen to this On Location episode to discover the unique networking opportunities and groundbreaking insights that make this conference a must-attend for professionals looking to chart the path forward in their field.

Episode Notes


Leslie Jenkins, Sr. Director, Marketing, HITRUST [@HITRUST]

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Robert Booker, Chief Strategy Officer, HITRUST [@HITRUST]

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Blake Sutherland, EVP Market Adoption, HITRUST [@HITRUST]

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Steve Perkins, Chief Marketing Officer, HITRUST [@HITRUST]

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Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

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Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

On ITSPmagazine |


Episode Notes

In this episode of "On Location with Sean and Marco," Sean Martin welcomes listeners to an engaging Chats on the Road episode heading from Frisco, Texas, where he discusses Collaborate 2024—an upcoming event centered on security, risk management, and compliance programs. Sean is joined by notable industry figures, including Leslie Jenkins, Robert Booker, Blake Sutherland, and Steve Perkins, who collectively provide a comprehensive overview of Collaborate 2024.

The discussion begins with Robert Booker sharing insights into the history and objectives of the HITRUST Collaborate conference. He explains the event's organic growth and its focus on creating a community-driven environment where participants can engage in meaningful conversations about the challenges they face in the industry.

Steve Perkins elaborates on the theme "charting the path forward," highlighting the importance of addressing recent industry events, such as significant breaches, and fostering collective efforts in assurance, risk management, and compliance. The agenda includes a variety of sessions ranging from roundtable discussions with seasoned industry professionals to focused talks on emerging trends like ransomware and workforce development.

Blake Sutherland touches on the unique aspects of cyber insurance, outlining the benefits of integrating HITRUST certifications into the insurance process to enhance risk decisions and streamline procurement. The conversation also touches on the significance of AI in the industry, as Robert Booker discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with AI governance and security. He emphasizes the need for a robust framework to ensure AI systems are secure and align with corporate governance.

Leslie Jenkins adds to the excitement by talking about the conference's location at the Dallas Cowboys' world headquarters, which promises a unique networking experience. She underscores the importance of in-person interactions and how they contribute to the event's overall value.

The episode concludes with logistical details for attendees and a collective anticipation for the upcoming event. Sean and guests express their enthusiasm for being part of a community that actively engages in shaping the future of security, risk management, and compliance. Listeners are encouraged to stay tuned for more insightful episodes and register for the event through links provided in the show notes.

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Episode Transcription

Charting the Path Forward: Navigating Security and Compliance at Collaborate 2024 | A HITRUST Collaborate 2024 Conversation with Leslie Jenkins, Robert Booker, Blake Sutherland, and Steve Perkins | On Location Coverage with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli

Please note that this transcript was created using AI technology and may contain inaccuracies or deviations from the original audio file. The transcript is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the original recording, as errors may exist. At this time, we provide it “as it is,” and we hope it can be helpful for our audience.


Sean Martin: [00:00:00] And everybody, you're very welcome to a new on location episode where typically Marco and I get to have chats with folks leading up to an event. We call it our chats on the road and we're on our way to Frisco, Texas for collaborate 2024. Marco is not with me for this one, but we're going to have him on for some other sessions. 

Uh, today we're going to learn about what Collaborate is, what you can hear, who you can see, who you can meet, who you can chat with, what you can take away from you to help with your security, risk management, compliance programs and everything that surrounds them so you can live a better, healthy life as a CISO or CRO or whatever it is you do to help protect the business and help them generate revenue safely. 

And. I'm thrilled to have a lot of friends here. I think people I've known for a while, new friends, uh, bring and collaborate to, uh, to life this year. Uh, Leslie Jenkins, Robert Booker, Blake Sutherland, Steve Perkins. Great to have you on.  

Robert Booker: Great to be here. Thanks, [00:01:00] Sean.  

Sean Martin: So I've, I don't know how many I've been to quite, quite a few. 

I missed the last couple, sadly, uh, for personal reasons, not because I didn't want to be there, but I've been to collaborate. It's an amazing event. Bring in some luminaries from various sectors, healthcare and finance and insurance and otherwise to really bring. Um, yeah, policies and, and controls and compliance to the business in a way that doesn't overwhelm them. 

Right. And they can still, still achieve what they need to from a compliance perspective. Um, Robert, I'm going to start with you. Do you think you've been to certainly more than me, probably more than most of us on this, uh, your history with high trust. Can you give us a sense of what some of the objectives are for the conference? 

I know it's probably 10 years or so now that it's Been in, been in play different names, but, uh,  

Robert Booker: yeah, well, it's, uh, you know, it, it began pretty organically. Let's just get some people [00:02:00] together and have a conversation about the challenge we all face. And, uh, you know, it's grown, uh, you know, organically year over year, um, even, you know, The pause we took because of COVID, obviously a disappointment to all of us that none of us could get together. 

Uh, but we continue to come together. We see old friends every year. We meet some new friends every year. But it's, it's, it's, uh, it's kind of an interesting event because it's not, it's not so much. Like just a conference where you come to learn. It's a place where you come to, to talk about the problems you're facing with people. 

It's more of a kind of a user community feel, but, you know, in a much grander way, I think that just your typical local kind of user conference type of thing. So, you know, you get a perspective of, uh, you know, hearing from, you know, you'll hear from, you know, Certainly us at HITRUST, but you'll hear from, you know, other leaders in the industry, uh, the people that are actually out there doing the work every day on the ground, trying to make their systems, you know, more, more secure, more safe, you know, earn, earn the obligations they, they have to meet on [00:03:00] compliance, you'll be able to demonstrate and prove, you know, in a very robust way that they're doing a great job. 

And, uh, You know, finding a place where you can just talk to people about the challenges they're facing and, you know, think about the problems and still in a kind of an intimate way. I mean, we're not, it's not the massive event where you just get lost in the crowd. I mean, these are, these are people and, and communities and, and, you know, teams that, you know, all get together and we kind of all, you know, we're all geeks in a very specialized area. 

So we get to geek out together on the problem. And I think that's really exciting.  

Sean Martin: Endless sessions of geeking out. I mean, my show, the podcast, I look at things from an operational perspective, and so does collaborate. I mean, the sessions are around best practices. Tried and true methods to take a program and actually implement it in a way that that aligns with the business objectives and in, in line with the budgets and team that people have. 

And so real life experiences and use cases and scenarios. [00:04:00] It's incredible. Steve, can you give us an overview of. What, uh, what people might expect kind of the grand theme of things. Um, and yeah, well, some of the hot topics that folks will get to, 

Steve Perkins: yeah, the theme of the, the event is called is charting the path forward. 

And we thought that was apropos because we're kind of at a point where you look at the recent events that's been happening, some mega breaches in the industry. Um, and, uh, the question is where, where does this go? Where, where do we need to go together collectively as an industry? Around assurances and, and, and risk management and compliance. 

And, and so we've tried to assemble an overarching agenda kind of just to, to scratch it, that itch, right. To, to really hit on that. Everything from having some people who've been around in this industry and helping shape it, but. For the last 20 years, having sort of round table discussions all the way to, uh, we've got some, [00:05:00] uh, some thought leaders in the area of ransomware who are going to come in and talk about, well, how does that really change our thoughts about, um, Resilience. 

And how does it stress all of our systems in different ways that we need to be think about in different ways moving forward? We've got some sessions talking about the workforce of the future. And how do we really think differently to solve the talent gap? That we're all facing, um, uh, as well as, you know, high trust itself. 

We're in a hyper innovation, innovative, uh, phase and cycle where we're doing a lot of really innovative things and, and evolving things forward. And we're going to touch on those, not so much just purely of what we're doing, but what's the macro problems and, and, and, and. What should, what do we think the industry should be doing about it and how are we trying to contribute to that? 

So I think those are some of the things that we're gonna touch on and across three day spans So should be very very lively and useful for everybody.  

Sean Martin: I'll [00:06:00] point out that I mean This isn't high trust just spewing stuff. We have assessors. We have customers We have partners a whole group of folks that have a role to play in varying varying aspects of achieving security and achieving Right  

Blake Sutherland: Well, and we think of it as our entire community, whether it's those that you mentioned or adjacent areas like cyber insurance or the security control industry and service industry, uh, everyone's welcome there and they're all part of, you know, uh, securities, uh, team sports. 

So we'd like to include the entire community.  

Leslie Jenkins: And to that point, there are. Well, over 20, almost maybe 25 breakout sessions that were specifically submitted from our community. So, this is not just an agenda packed with things that are important to high trust, but also things that our community have told us that they want to get together to discuss.[00:07:00]  

Sean Martin: And I think some of the things I've come across AI, third party, cyber insurance, I don't know. You probably have a better sense of what those important topics are. I don't know. Blake, you mentioned cyber insurance. You want to, want to touch on that for a second? Yeah.  

Blake Sutherland: I'm excited. I'll be chairing a panel on that, uh, involving, um, some experts from the industry, from, uh, McGill, Triumph Cyber, and Google, and we'll be talking about many aspects. 

Uh, in fact, this has been a topic that. Our community has been talking about for many years now and only this year. Did we release, um, uh, a cyber insurance facility related to someone's high trust certification? We've known for years that people have wanted to and been, uh, you know, uh, had benefit from their certifications in terms of demonstrating stuff, but we wanted something a little bit more programmatic. 

And we'll be talking about that and the marriage of. telemetry and [00:08:00] solid assurances and how that helps the insurance industry make better risk decisions and hopefully give more competitive products. Uh, another aspect of sort of marrying the two together like we've, we're doing, uh, for our community is to speed the whole process of getting insurance. 

It's a, it can be a very arduous task. I think Robert's lived through it. Probably more than anyone here. And just how long it takes to get cyber insurance for an organization can be daunting. So we'll be talking about all those things. And in fact, you mentioned third party risk. We even talk about, you know, the role of, uh, insurance as it relates to evaluating your vendors and what that means for third party risk. 

Sean Martin: What about AI and other, other stuff that, uh, rolling around in your, your, uh, incredible brain there? You've been involved in stuff for so long.  

Robert Booker: Well, I work with really smart people, so this brain is very grateful to be around those folks. Um, I think, uh, you [00:09:00] know, I think, uh, Sean, you know, AI, it's, it's, it's going to be a topic we have to hit on. 

You can't ignore it. And, uh, we can't ignore it because the community is, is enduring it and experiencing it and being asked to lead, you know, from the front on the challenge in their organizations. So if you're a. In the almost in the organization today is looking at AI in some form or fashion. And, um, you know, it's, uh, it's not an area where the regulatory and standard space is kept up. 

And in fact, we think that's the great opportunity. And, uh, our community has told us that is the opportunity because people want to do it well. They certainly don't want to, you know, imagine things that don't exist, you know, hallucinate, if you will, and they want to look at AI, not only from a risk management perspective, make sure they're governing it well. 

And that's often a different audience than the security leader. That's the corporate leadership, maybe even the boards of companies there, you know, they, they speak a different language from a governance and risk management point of view. And they're looking to their security leaders to, you know, step into the AI [00:10:00] risk management problem. 

But then, you know, There's also a, an absence of how do I know my AI system is secure? Have I actually tested the security and understood the threats that we're facing? And, um, you know, we've, we've had the opportunity to talk to some incredibly smart people. Um, uh, we have a working group that is, you know, made up of, um, you know, some of the major service providers in the AI space and cloud service providers and a couple of major companies that are actually consumers and leaders in health care that are building and using AI in very creative and powerful ways. 

And I think. To bring together all those insights and to actually, uh, you know, have the community at collaborate to actually see how this is being built from the ground up is, uh, is going to be, I think, uh, really valuable because, uh, you know, before the end of this year, people will be able to, you know, to create a certification, you know, with our system and, and stand for testing and validation and certification of their AI, uh, system using the same approach they've always used to, to [00:11:00] secure their cybersecurity and get those great outcomes they've been. 

Earning and experiencing, but now to take that to the AI problem as well. And so, uh, it's, it's, it's significantly different. It, it, it's a different type of space, but, uh, what people tell me over and over again is, it's new, it's novel, uh, security and cybersecurity leaders are wanting to lead on this, but they need to, to understand where to go and how to step into it. 

And we think there's a great opportunity for the community to come together and to learn from each other and to actually, you know. To make this, you know, operational and practical and scalable and help people have an approach that, um, you know, they can deliver, you know, within a quarter or two and actually start standing and saying, yes, our systems have been built to be secure from a cyber security perspective and also to be managed from an AI risk management point of view. 

Sean Martin: Yeah, no, no question. AI is. Top of mind for a lot of folks that probably one of the most prevalent innovations that have Taken taken the [00:12:00] internet or the news news life cycle by storm um But there's a lot of other stuff going on a lot of change in general and i'm i'm particularly excited to have a chance to Sit down with dan narcus ceo high trust to talk about the innovations that high trust has Um, delivered to the community over the years and a view into the future. 

I believe Robert, you're going to join for this conversation as well. Um, there's so much amazing things coming out of the, the smart people that work at high trust. So I'm excited to have that conversation and then. You can innovate all day long, but if you, if you can't actually get it implemented and deployed and managed properly, um, a lot of those innovations fall off sides. 

I'm, I'm excited to have conversations around how programs run, how teams are run, how, uh, I think Stevie mentioned the, uh, how do we build a workforce of the future, I think that's going to be an important one, I guess where I want to go, I haven't, I also have a chance to chat [00:13:00] with Alan Lemiska about the ransomware thing, just, uh, There's a lot of innovation on the other side of the, of the coin here as well. 

Right? So insights from that world, threat intelligence and dark web and what that group, what those groups are doing to take advantage of companies that don't have the best program in place, perhaps. Um, Leslie, I want to go to you cause it, there's a lot of, yes, we're all going to learn. We're going to have some great conversations. 

We're going to make some new friends. Um, But there's more to high trust collaborate than just just the sessions, right? What else is going on?  

Leslie Jenkins: Yeah. So to start with, we're going to be at what? At least some folks will think is a very exciting location. Uh, we're actually going to be holding. The conference adjacent to the world headquarters of the Dallas Cowboys football team. 

And we'll even have a big event where we will get an opportunity to mingle and [00:14:00] network and talk and have a lot of fun on the practice field that the Cowboys use. So we'll be in their facility, their practice facility, um, celebrating a great collaborate together. at a pretty fun location. There will also be other opportunities built in for networking, and I think that was one of the things that our attendees last year surprisingly found extra valuable because, and I think it was a surprise to them, um, it's so easy in this day and age of virtual events to Forget how important it is to be able to have those hallway conversations or, um, you know, strike up a conversation with the person next to you in a session. 

And it leads to something fantastic. And we were really gratified to see how energized they were. The folks were who attended last year. It was our first time back in person after the pandemic, and that was very [00:15:00] energizing, very motivating. And being in a new location this year, I think that it, that, that aspect of Collaborate is just going to grow. 

Sean Martin: There's a word on the Collaborate site, inspiration, and I think that's there as well because it, that says I feel something, but also have a desire to take action on what I feel. There's no question that I've experienced that at the Collaborates that I've, that I've been to. Um, it is October 1 through 3, 1st through the 3rd, Frisco, Texas, as uh, Leslie described. 

Is there anything we didn't touch on that that you think folks need to know.  

Steve Perkins: I have just a couple of logistics points for those people who don't know. Frisco, Texas is about a half an hour, 45 minutes north of Dallas Airport, DFW, or Dallas Love Field, so it's pretty easy to get to the events at the, the Omni Star Hotel, um, up there. 

[00:16:00] And, uh, and as we said, we've got events planned out throughout the day, around the sessions. We've got, uh, Of course, we've got luncheons. We've got speakers, we've got evening events, et cetera. So, uh, Blake kind of said it, right? This, this is a team sport, so this is an opportunity for you to come and hang out and be with your teammates. 

Sean Martin: And it's all about charting the path forward, right? And, uh, who doesn't want to be part of charting the path, not just follow, but actually participate in and help shape where things are headed. And, uh, it's always a thrill and an honor to be, to be part of what 

I trust does and, and the collaborate event. I'm super thrilled to be back, uh, at collaborate and, and to engage with everybody and be part of the community to help chart that path forward. Um, first through third. Of october look forward to seeing everybody there robert leslie blake steve Thank you so much for enlightening us on what to expect and [00:17:00] uh, we'll see you all in october. 

Leslie Jenkins: Thank you. See you then See you all there  

Sean Martin: and of course everybody listening and watching we'll include links in the show notes for ways to register and Participate and learn more about HITRUST and the event itself. So stay tuned. Uh, we have more coming out on LISCA down the road and, uh, more stuff from the event as well. 

So thanks everybody.