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From Duke Graduate to Industry Trailblazer - A Journey of Passion, Perseverance, and Impact | Conversation with Ananya Roy Chowdhury | Off the Record with Saman — Student Abroad Podcast

Episode Summary

This gripping tale unveils the grit, passion, and trailblazing impact that propelled her ascent from academic brilliance to industry game-changer.

Episode Notes

Guest: Ananya Roy Chowdhury, Associate Product Manager at Credit Saint LLC

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Host: Saman Fatima

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Episode Description

Are you from India? Wishing to come to the USA for your studies? Is your dream university Duke University? If yes, grab a pen, paper, and water, and you are all good to know everything. From researching the dream university to getting selected and beating the elephant in the room (i.e. the VISA process) to settling up - you need to know EVERYTHING because, at the end of the day, it is a foreign land with a lot of newness, loneliness, and self-dependency.



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Episode Transcription

From Duke Graduate to Industry Trailblazer - A Journey of Passion, Perseverance, and Impact | Conversation with Ananya Roy Chowdhury | Off the Record with Saman — Student Abroad Podcast

12:18:00 Like my baby. Good, good luck.

12:18:10 Hi everyone, we're back with another episode on off the record with Salmon and today we're having a very special guest again where we discuss the master's degree program, how she perceived it, how she chose it and how she went through it and now she's working as well after her degree.

12:18:29 Program. So we would be walking down with the Masters program that Anania did with Duke University.

12:18:36 And any questions that you have, you can reach out to her data. But yeah, before we start, I really would like to welcome Anya on this podcast episode that she agreed upon to and we really are happy and we appreciated that you are ready to share your instances and experiences with everyone here.

12:18:55 Introduce yourself, where are you from, what college you went to, where are you right now, what program you did, and yeah, of you.

12:19:05 1st of all, thank you so much for inviting me. For this podcast.

12:19:10 I do understand the importance, of this podcast, gathering this information while you are choosing your And so I wanted to be a part of it.

12:19:24 My name is Anonia Raja and I did my, undergrad that is B tech, bachelors in technology in engineering and management in India.

12:19:38 After completing my undergrad, I was working in Accenture as application development analyst. And this is during that time that I realized, okay, like I want to go into product management, I was working with the product owners.

12:19:55 I was kind of involved in like writing user stories and kind of the work that the product managers do. And I felt like I had more passion towards that line rather than, you know, coding and engineering stuff.

12:20:09 So that's when I did a bit of research and I found. Some common people who from other universities in India who made it to Duke University and other like you all of those universities and I did my research and Duke aligned with my interest and what I wanted from this program.

12:20:34 And, I would say Duke was kind of my dream university and I was really happy to get into the masters in engineering management program and.

12:20:46 Yeah, I graduated in December, 2023. Right now I am working as an associate product.

12:20:54 Manager in my current organization. So yeah, that's the introduction.

12:20:58 Hey, you can't excited when you know I hear people talking about that the degree that they graduated with from the college that the degree that they graduated with from the college that's their team, you know, I hear people talking about that the degree that they graduated with from the college, that's their dream university.

12:21:12 That' complete that be part of that institution and so happy about completing that dream. So I really wanted to congratulate you on your graduation.

12:21:20 And now you're working full-fledged. So. Just moving to the main question, how is like life after being a student, now being a corporate girl, how does it feel?

12:21:33 Like, do you miss out on things?

12:21:38 I see.

12:21:35 You do miss out on the free food then that That is that you used to get, in your university, the concerts and everything.

12:21:46 I mean, the events. I work remote remotely as in like I'm always inside my house right now.

12:21:56 I'm always inside my house right now working and I do not go out a lot. So those events, and I do not go out a lot.

12:22:02 So those events at Duke is to like kind of push you, you know, working and I do not go out a lot.

12:22:10 So those events at Duke is to like kind of push you, you know, like to maintain a lot.

12:22:18 So those events at Duke is to like kind of push you, you know, like to maintain your social life, to maintain, So yeah, I regret that and of course like due campus is something I loved loved loved and yeah I just miss the campus view a lot.

12:22:29 I, hear that a lot and I am in the same board as well that, you know, student life was way different and like I'm in the same board as well that you know student life was way different and like way wonderful and colorful as compared to like way wonderful and colorful as compared to like way wonderful and colorful as compared to the this boring like way went full and colorful as compared to this boarding like 9 to 5 thing and then you're just sitting and you know you have nothing

12:22:46 in the evenings or in the afternoon to do. Still I am happy that I still don't have that assignments or in the afternoons to do.

12:22:53 Still, I am happy that I still don't have that assignments and project due dates. But you know that comes with the price, right?

12:22:57 You don't have any event for life now much as compared to

12:23:05 Okay.

12:22:59 Yeah. But I kinda enjoyed those assignments and projects because, so in, our like engineering management program, most of them used to be, team projects and you would.

12:23:15 Decide brainstorm and work on those projects and it would be so it would be so much fun. But right now I think I kind of miss that too honestly.

12:23:26 That those assignments and you know the panic you get at 1159 pm. Yeah.

12:23:39 Okay.

12:23:50 Yeah. Yeah.

12:23:33 Oh god, yeah, you're just made me go into the flash back. 1159 is like a thing like, you know, I would not be lying like I have some did a couple of assignments at like 1130 as well like and you know then they used to come like a red arrow that you know, Hello, those panic attacks were a thing at that time and then sitting together doing things together.

12:24:05 Yeah. Yeah.

12:24:02 Yeah, that I agree. So. Those were good times. So, so when you were back in India, I know you have experience working into industry and then you probably went on being a student again.

12:24:17 So, you know, back to student life. So how was your experience, you know, when you were applying for universities back from India, what was your, you know, obviously I know you was your, Green University, but what was the selection criteria that you did among, you know, a plateau of other universities you got?

12:24:38 And.

12:24:39 Yeah, so, when I started my selection process for universities. So I was looking like you of course have to look at the Tution fees for example like of course so I looked at those and then the academic flexibility like what are the core subjects and what are the electives and are those aligning with your interests and are those aligning with your interests so I found for example like Duke's and are those aligning with your interests?

12:25:12 So I found for example like Duke's electives were really vast and you could choose. So I found, for example, like Duke selectives were really vast and you could choose from, a lot of options for the elect So, that is something which I was really impressed.

12:25:21 About and then, yeah. I think the cultural diversity. Played a huge role for me to again select Duke as one of my dream universities or my top priorities.

12:25:40 Apart from that, you know, Duke has this, my top priorities. Apart from that, you know, Duke has this, flexibility that it gives to the students.

12:25:45 So you can complete the course, the engineering management course within 2 semesters or 3 semesters or 4 semesters.

12:25:53 It totally depends on you. Amount that you pay for, per semester is also different.

12:26:02 So you have to pay for 2 semesters is also different. So you have to pay for 2 semesters that's there.

12:26:07 But for the 3rd semester, that's there. But for the 3rd semester, for example, there are pay the student fees, which is the insurance and.

12:26:12 Some other student fees that's involved there. So 3rd semester no tuition fee. So most people or most students they actually opt for the 3 semester course because it's like 2 semester feels like too much of pressure where you have to, so do you guys this requirement you have to finish 4 courses and then 4 electives.

12:26:35 So to finish it in 2 semesters you have to be like have no social life you have to have select like 4 core or 4 for each semester and you have to get done with it.

12:26:44 So usually people select 3 semesters and you have to get done with it. So usually people select 3 semesters because 3rd semester anyway doesn't have tuition fees and then you can spread those courses.

12:26:53 Along those 3 semesters. But. Regarding the current job market, I have seen also, you know, larger, number of students they this time they opted for the 4 semester courses because The job scene was not clear and then they were not getting the required and internship opportunities.

12:27:18 They did not have good internship experiences and they wanted to do more internships. So that is how they also, stretched it to the 4 semesters.

12:27:28 So that is how they also, stretched it to the 4 semesters. So that is something which is really good about Duke.

12:27:29 I liked and, you can actually select, when you want to, end your course.

12:27:37 Okay, so, just to understand like, it's like 4 core and 4 electives that needs to be compulsory done.

12:27:46 But once you're not paying like, like Tot semester onwards when you're done with these courses.

12:27:54 What else do you have to take up in those semesters?

12:27:56 So that's the thing. So, if you have completed your requirements, you cannot continue to the 4th semesters.

12:28:06 So that is how you have to decide or like what I'm saying is the electives are not hard and fast rules.

12:28:20 So electives you can increase like you can do for example, hard and fast rules. So electives, you can increase like you can do, for example, 5 electives, you can do 6 selectives, but core, you have to finish like only you can do 6 electives but core you have to finish like only you have to do 4 core courses so you have to finish like only you have to finish like only you have to do

12:28:31 4 core courses. Yeah. Along those 4 semesters. So for example for me I took all 3 core courses in my 1st semester so I couldn't select another one until my 3rd semester.

12:28:43 So if I would have selected the 4th one in my second semester, I couldn't, extend till my 3rd semester.

12:28:51 I would have had to finish, my, course, in the second semester.

12:28:57 Got it. So like that flexibility like you have to like. Choose it for yourself and how does it work for yourself.

12:29:05 Yeah.

12:29:05 Oh, fair enough, fair enough. So, can you just walk us through your application process to Duke as well?

12:29:15 Like, when did you apply to and what were the things that were needed as part of the application process like all that.

12:29:22 That you submitted back to the college and anything that came after the sorry after the offer letter as well like any sort of video interviews or any essays that they need as an extension or like what was the process with Duke.

12:29:35 Yeah. So, my process started quite late. Like, I do not recommend that, but also I had, I do not recommend that, but also I had my process started quite late.

12:29:49 Like I do not recommend that, but also I had a step ahead because I was already preparing for my CAT exams.

12:29:51 But also I had, a step ahead because I was already preparing for my, CAT exams for MBA.

12:29:55 So I had, you know, the aptitude exam, knowledge and all of that. So, but if someone's like preparing from just the beginning, it's very difficult.

12:30:03 Like you have to still give the GRE exam, you have to still do the language exams, So any of that.

12:30:10 So my process starting with my process, it started quite late. When I was like, okay, I'm not doing NBN India, so I want to like just in my head to just fix that I want to do engineering management and then I selected the course and the some of the universities as I said like again listing them like priority wise.

12:30:30 And I think I started October. July, August is when like I, was going through the exams, the GRE and October is when I like started applying for like the application process.

12:30:44 So you have to take the GRE exam, you have to take that tofu or the IOS exam.

12:30:51 I personally took the and there is a requirement I think Duke has a requirement of 7.5 in Isles and I had like more than that so I was eligible and then you have to also look at the eligibility criteria, you know, like the GPA that the course requires you to have.

12:31:12 It's not again hard and fast rule. Like if it says like, oh, your GPA needs to be like.

12:31:22 Somewhere around, 3.5 of, 3.5, or above, 2 or 3.3 I've also seen like students applying for that so that's fine but just like to keep in your head that oh this is like the requirements.

12:31:35 And, so once you give those, and you start the application process, you have to, of course, pay the application fee and, you will need LOARS, which is the litter of recommendations.

12:31:49 So this, why I'm saying all this thing is because you have to plan all these things like if you start late and then you did not plan your LORs.

12:31:58 I had to like go to my university, request my principal, of my college and then the head of department for all those letter of recommendations and that takes time.

12:32:08 So you have to kind of plan all those things. So do you need a 3 letter of recommendations? I took one from principal, one from head of department and one from, any one, college undergrad and then you have to write the statement of purpose the SOP.

12:32:26 And this is something I wanna talk a bit about. So I've seen like some people just, you know, writing their, what they have what they have achieved in their lives.

12:32:41 And, It's like it's not like it's not to show that your academic achievements or what you have done in life only.

12:32:49 It also should like, you know, give an idea of why, why want to go to do or why is that passion, why, what value does you bring in your life or how is it changing you as a person?

12:33:00 So I've seen like SOPs where students have mentioned, you know, a bit of like given a personal touch or.

12:33:08 Kind of open their hearts about why they wanted one to come in to do. Those kind of got more so yeah, so SOPs and LORs, series, you have to, submit your CVs and Yeah, I think that's all that I can remember.

12:33:33 SS, so do you, so the process also changes. Okay. Okay. We also have some questions, as in, tell me something about you, which you are too excited about or something particular about this course, which you know and you look forward to achieve from this course.

12:33:48 So, those and they would mention like, the limitations of the words that you can use for those answers.

12:33:54 So you have to like mention those, write those answers and submit that that's the process for the application and once the application is done.

12:34:04 The I mean the There is early round and a late round. So the early round badge is like you have to submit by January.

12:34:14 During our time that was the thing and the the decision also comes in batches after that like the early ones will get like early decisions and the late ones it will come late, something like that.

12:34:28 So, what then Duke does is Duke will go through all of your SOPs and, and if they think you are eligible, they will send you.

12:34:39 Interview invite. Now during our time it was a recorded interview like they will ask a question. You have to record your answers with the video on and everything and then they will select you or they'll give you the offer later.

12:34:53 But the next batch that I have seen which came for the engineering management program, they had like one to one, interview process with the professors or, I would say the management, I guess.

12:35:07 So that was the next batch that I saw and then the next batch like this year, the people that are coming, the process was a bit more different.

12:35:18 Like this year, the the people that just graduated or graduated within a few years, they were taking the 1st round of interviews, just to see whether it's a good feat or just to give a feedback to the management that okay like yeah I feel they are ready for duke so the alumni were taking the Okay, I won't take I won't say giving decisions, but like giving the feedback the 1st round of feedback.

12:35:48 So and from there the management takes on the process. So it changes every year I've seen so it's best to just like go.

12:35:56 To the website and check the what are the application requirements.

12:36:00 Like thank you for sharing that because it's it's quite like aligned and it's properly like done through where you know every profile is being you know better.

12:36:11 Checked and seen and it's more of what you said was like a whole package that they see.

12:36:19 It's not just the academic accomplishments or achievements that you have done, but it's more of.

12:36:25 You know, you do need to have like it's just not all work and no play. So, you know, that's there and I have seen.

12:36:33 Missing with a lot of students coming in. They just think like having a good GPA and a good academic background would let them in.

12:36:41 But you know you really need to be an all rounder. So that's there. One thing that I wanted to ask, is this, degree program like, Just starts in fall or it starts and like starts with another time as well like maybe a spring course as well or it's just starts in fall.

12:37:04 No, it, Duke has, for the engineering management program, they have a spring batch as well.

12:37:11 But, After COVID, just after COVID, like our badge, because of COVID and other factors, a lot of people, they differ it to the next semester or the fall batch.

12:37:26 So that's how our fall backs, for example. Like the usually the students, the student number for the, engineering management program is limited to 1 50 time it was 230 plus for example so that's when they had to like and then the current job market and so combining all of these factors.

12:37:48 I think they decided that they are gonna cancel one of the spring semesters and or the spring batches and I think one of the spring batches in between that was not.

12:38:02 That was cancelled, but, overall I think, there is a spring batch.

12:38:07 Yeah, but it is like condition basis. A condition based where during that particular year it was not done but usually I think they would do it.

12:38:17 Got it, got it. So it's like flexible. For you to come either in fall or spring depending on when did you apply what for what batch did you apply the application for?

12:38:27 Yeah.

12:38:28 That's good. One thing more is you mentioned like a range for the test code. That is IL that was having a band of 7 dot 5.

12:38:39 Would you like to share like what is the selection range for the GRs code for this particular program like what score do they expect like if you can give us a range for the GRs code for this particular program like what score do they expect?

12:38:50 Like if you can give us a range as well that would help like something under this range. Would be a good school for this degree program.

12:38:53 I honestly do not remember the GRE change but it was written so that's why I'm saying like it was written in the requirement and during our time for example, it was written in the requirement.

12:39:07 And, during our time, for example, it was like I, for example, you're going to.

12:39:10 GR scores because mine were not the best one. So during COVID, they also had that. Option where if you do not want to give the GREs course it is okay but that also meant that you have to be really good in other fields.

12:39:22 Like if you're not giving a certain requirement. It was not a requirement, but if you're not giving a certain.

12:39:29 Thing which is like enhancing your profile, like you have to be good in the other, other fields.

12:39:36 Okay, so suggest that like that is not something a lot of students would do, but I do know a few students who did that.

12:39:44 So I did not submit my Okay.

12:39:47 I know any sort of like a subsection in your application process that you had or maybe off the application process you had for the AIDS like any sort of financial aid.

12:40:01 Yeah. So, some, Duke. Engineering Management Program has scholarships for very limited number of students and for them you usually do not have to go on or apply somewhere else or fill any other forms.

12:40:20 It is there in the application form, or fill any other forms. It is there in the application form, like if you need a financial aid, like there is a box saying it is there in the application form like if you need a financial aid like there is a box saying oh do you need financial aid if you select that and there might be following questions which you need financial aid if you select that and there might be following questions which you have to fill

12:40:36 and there might be following questions which you have to fill and also if you mentioned in your SOP or the statement of purpose that this is why I need the financial support that and, there might be following questions which you have to fill.

12:40:58 And also, if you mentioned in your SOP or the statement of purpose

12:40:58 That's fair, that's fair. At least as part of the application process you're stating it.

12:40:59 So I guess that gets into the eyes of the management and then they could decide basis on your Okay, perfect.

12:41:07 So.

12:41:05 Yeah. Like if you pass those eligibility criteria. They will consider you as okay you have passed those criteria and they will give you that financial aid on their own.

12:41:20 Okay. Got it, got it. So that's part of the application process or the SOP that you submit back to the bad management is FYI to everyone here.

12:41:29 Yeah.

12:41:32 Nextly, It's it's something that I guess everyone would have it in mind when they think about Duke University or coming to institution fees and you know addressing or managing the tuition fees and So we would like to know your.

12:41:53 You know. Way how did you manage those expenses what was your experience and how all those management your end, how did it work for you?

12:42:05 Like. Maybe your perspective can help a lot of other people.

12:42:09 Yeah, so 1st of all, I, I had to take a loan. So, and with loans, you know, like per semester you have to request and then the give you a tuition fees.

12:42:21 So apart from that, you have to kind of manage your portal. Amount that you are collecting from, your loan account.

12:42:32 So you don't wanna, so that's another thing is like, the students, they don't wanna.

12:42:34 Take out a lot of personal loans because at the end of the day it's like a accumulating and then you have to pay interest on that.

12:42:42 So mostly international students would do. Bye time jobs or which is you have to which you have to do in the inside the campus but there are there are also other options like their teaching assistantships where, or I think, inside the campus, but there, there are also other options like they're teaching assistantships where, or I think, graders who like grade the courses and

12:43:03 teaching assistants, teaching assistants also have, early wages that they get like a few hours every week.

12:43:12 It is limited the part time is limited to 20 h per week for if one students and honestly like as long as you're inside campus you can do any job limited to 20 h per week but during holidays it's 40 h per week.

12:43:30 So during holidays some students like they if you really care about it like I did not want to do that it's like over stressing.

12:43:39 If you really care about it, like I did not want to do that. It's like over stressing myself with so many hours of work. Like I did not want to do that. It's like over stressing myself with so many hours of work.

12:43:44 Like you get like over stressing myself with so many hours of work. Like, over stressing myself with so many hours of work, like you get like 10 days of holiday, you kinda wanna like just go somewhere, clean your mind so that's what like you can work during holidays, 40 h per week.

12:43:56 And managing expenses personally I would say I am a minimalist kind of girl, like when I'm a student.

12:44:07 So my room had almost nothing like honestly like just a bed just a table just a so, the, IS, IS, so you come here and you almost get no time and.

12:44:20 Like blink of an eye and you few months passes and then after that you have to join internship.

12:44:29 You do not know where you are getting your internship. The moment you come back from internship within a few months, you have to get a full-time job.

12:44:35 So it's like you are just moving and moving. So there's no, for, my perspective, it's not needed to have a lot of stuff in your house.

12:44:43 And so I kind of was like, towards the lower end of like spending and I would say, do you have like per early wage was, Minimum was $1515 per hour but this year it increased so that's a good thing and you would if you're like working 20 h per week.

12:45:09 You are still getting like around 800 $900 something like that. And then the rent you have to consider rent and the rent people usually take like share the apartments.

12:45:22 Some people if if you want to cut down on your rent, you can also share the rooms, but I personally did not share rooms.

12:45:29 I wanted a bit more privacy and I had one room in a 2, 2 VH department and it was around 750 ish but that is also on lower side like if you if you want to go a bit a bit more.

12:45:45 A bit better apartments with like furnished stuff, then it's like 900 or 1,000. It depends on you.

12:45:53 But for me, it was like 700 and I was giving my rent from my, part time, earnings and I would spend almost like as much as needed on my 1 50 maximum 200 per month.

12:46:10 So I would say total like $1,000 and. Groceries rent and like the your needs in life are sorted.

12:46:19 Yeah.

12:46:20 I agree to it and like If you want to talk about like what was your part time thing like on like at the college.

12:46:30 Were you like a TA or What was something that you were working on and is it like a process to apply for it?

12:46:37 Or it's like a 1st come for serve basis like how does it works for Duke.

12:46:42 Okay, so, I did not expect, but. The 5 time. Opportunities were very competitive.

12:46:51 I thought so. I thought I'll come in to do. I'll figure my stuff as in like when I'm staying, what I'm doing for the few days and then I'll search for part time.

12:47:05 But apparently there were people. Before they came here, they already had a part time. So they apply from India itself.

12:47:12 Like it it is that completely it was that competitive and I had no idea. I was like in my own world.

12:47:19 I was like, okay, I like apply. I'll go there maybe spend few days and apply but Clearly it was like, so that's why my part time also was like.

12:47:26 Not then and there like I had I did not get part time for like maybe 2, 3 months, I guess.

12:47:32 So, yeah, so there are people who apply from India itself and they come here with a part-time and then they join here as soon as they come and as soon as they start the course.

12:47:43 Duke has a website. Duke's internal website or portal. It's called Jobits and any part times opportunities at Duke inside the campus are posted there and you can go there you can search and you have to like submit your resume same thing like application and you have to like submit your resuming same thing like application and I wouldn't say it's forced to come for surf basis, but

12:48:08 it's like It depends on your recruiter. If they like you. Same with job process. Like it's like you there is a question like why you want to work here and what movie what what made you interested in the in this role and so you ride it and whatever the recruiter finds the most suitable you just get the job.

12:48:35 So that is for part time and my part time was in one of the labs in Duke but it was like administrative work like maintaining the labs like student.

12:48:47 Lab work kind of thing helping with the helping the graduate and the PhD students with their readings and all of that.

12:48:55 But, you can do teaching assistantships as well and, you have many other like their sports team, boys, generally like that because you get to travel a lot.

12:49:11 With the basketball team, with the Duke sports team and, it's the same.

12:49:16 It's like kind of administrative work. And, it's the same. It's like kind of administrative work, kind of like project management thingy, and, it's the same.

12:49:24 It's like kind of administrative war kinda like project management thingy, team management thing going on there And all part time jobs do not pay you same like, mine, how much it paid is not equal to how much.

12:49:33 Like, teaching assistantship, student will get get. So it depends.

12:49:43 Yeah. I.

12:49:39 Okay, so the early we just the 1st there like that's also competitive as compared to okay got it got it but But everyone gets it, like, is there like a thing like everyone eventually gets it like.

12:49:52 Yeah.

12:49:51 Eventually gets it. Yeah. Like I thought maybe I won't get but everybody eventually gets it.

12:49:59 Yeah. Also you have to like you have to think like one badge goes like 2022 badge, but everyone eventually gets it. Yeah.

12:50:07 Also, you have to like, you have to think like one badge goes like, 2022 batch goes, graduates and then there are all these open positions right now.

12:50:12 So now if you don't get just right then and there when you start the course it's okay like wait till December and when this batch graduates you have all these open you can apply.

12:50:21 Got it. That's fair, I guess. That works for majorly all sorts of TA, ARE and obviously the Fellowship rules when you work and it's more of your either a senior badge or maybe a junior badge.

12:50:34 Yeah.

12:50:35 Depending on what professor or what faculty member you're under and that gives you altogether a different experience with my experience.

12:50:47 Yeah.

12:50:45 You're under and that gives you altogether a different experience. With my experience, I've been at TA and I've been in I personally lean towards the A side because I don't wanna get into the greeting shit.

12:50:52 It's bad. And There's just a big fuss.

12:50:52 Yeah. Hi, Okay, I thought I was the only one. So I kinda did not go for one of the key positions I was offered but he had so much work and it was my last semester.

12:51:11 I was offered but he had so much work and it was my last semester. You have to I had to like I took.

12:51:13 The difficult courses in my last semester. I had to do my job search and I could not go through like Pages and pages of the reading those and grading those as like, you know what, I mean it looks good on my resume, but I'll pass it's okay.

12:51:30 Right, the 4 semester I did not had a choice. I went for the TA, so I was working under the professor and I was I was aligned with the greeting of the assignments and Checking off the answer sheets like McDonald and final term papers for Database management system.

12:51:47 That is something like there is no grey area in that subject. It's either black or white.

12:51:53 There's nothing in between like. That's the, you know, you have to create a query or you have to tell the command name that's it.

12:52:01 Like if it's drop table, it's drop table, it's delay table, it's delayed, there's just one answer to it.

12:52:06 Oh my god I saw really students Having a hang on my grades and you know all those marks that I gave and they were like someone I really want you to check this answer for us what is wrong with this what is incomplete.

12:52:20 I also have an answer keep like I have to strictly follow that one. Please walk up to the professor.

12:52:27 Don't, don't make me the bad person. Here. There is like all done through in the fall.

12:52:30 Yeah.

12:52:33 Yes, like I was looking under the same professor and I just asked her like can I just walk on couple of research projects that you have that you're working on.

12:52:51 Yeah.

12:52:43 I'd be really, like I just not told her that I don't want to go do the TA thing, but probably I have more exposure and that's when I got rid of it like it's bad like you'll be the back.

12:52:55 Yeah.

12:52:53 I like the class had like good 100 folks. That's like 100 assignments, 100, greeting 100, big terms, 100 final terms.

12:53:04 When it comes to

12:53:05 And last semester, you don't wanna deal with that. Like it's like so many things to do like that is I would say that's the like the least important stuff during that time.

12:53:14 Yeah, and then, you know, when you're being paid. Then you're being actually been monitored for the number of hours you put in so you know they actually check you like are you given 20 HA week if not completed in the next week so the next video I do do 24 h or 30 h to complete the previous week so I'm like, no, I can't do it.

12:53:36 It's better I move to the research work. At least I'll be exposed to a lot of other things, new things actually.

12:53:41 So yeah, that's dead. And you know, I know with my university as well it was very competitive, although we got the TA and our ships along with the offer letter, that differs, Yeah, so we got it along with the.

12:53:52 Good morning.

12:53:55 Like when you apply, you are also send up your resume and everything and that's when they shortlist you and they let you know that.

12:54:02 You are selected for the TA ships. But closer to your like coming date when you'll come here we'll let you know like we have paid you off with which professor actually so probably then though you know the get signed and everything is done that you know.

12:54:23 We're all good so that you can apply for all those things. On the portal and get paid every month.

12:54:29 So, it wasn't on an early thing in my university. That was the worst part.

12:54:36 So they had set up a amount like that's what they give you. And that's what they gave us every month for 20 HA week.

12:54:45 So.

12:54:45 Hmm, I'm not sure whether for that's the thing, but I do know for TAs.

12:54:50 You get to apply or get chosen for a TA position only if you have like. Not only, but mostly if you have already.

12:55:02 If you're done with that course already in the previous semester. So for example, if I wanna.

12:55:08 Do a TA under my management teacher or the for the course management, I should have already done the management course in the previous semester and then now I can show, okay, I have like knowledge of this and now I'm applying and now I'm eligible but it does not apply to everything though so yeah.

12:55:27 Got it. Got it. I guess it differs from university. I've made couple of folks during this podcast as well and I did one episode with 2 folks from Georgia Tech.

12:55:44 Yeah.

12:55:39 And they had this thing that if you take 2 years in our ships. You're actually waved off your face.

12:55:47 So like you pays nothing during like the tuition fees is all weved off you just pay like the student fees like the insurance and other things.

12:55:56 Oh really?

12:56:02 Oh yeah.

12:55:57 Good thing goes off the hook. So like my eyes with this open, That's amazing. So with my university as well, this was the thing that if you are a TA or we're just give you Oh, discount of this much amount to your semester fees.

12:56:18 So it was a huge number. So usually folks used to go for it so that they can reduce it and it used to go off by 50%.

12:56:25 So that was the best part, but. Getting it to $0 was a big thing for me to hear from them and I was really happy like Georgia Tech does this.

12:56:36 That's good, yeah.

12:56:35 Like completely Yeah, so I guess it differs how every university has, maintained that system of, and how you're providing the AIDS.

12:56:48 This is in some forms you're giving help to the students. So. Okay, that was fruitful to discuss about the application process and everything.

12:56:57 One need to know more about your visa experience, like, how did it go for you?

12:57:03 What were the challenges for you? I know, but Duke University, it's like. Like an easy short for you during the interview, but.

12:57:10 How is the process for you?

12:57:13 So, okay, let me remember if I remember all the forms correctly. So. So, the 1st thing is you get the offer letter and then, for example, in my case, it was like, So Duke.

12:57:29 If I'm very sure, Duke asks like whether you can support your, studies and you have to show, do you have the funds for it?

12:57:38 So like if I took a loan, you have to show that, okay, I took a loan. This is my loan amount and this.

12:57:45 Like I'm, I'm in a good position basically and that is when you can check everything, all the documents and it will issue you the I die 20 form and then you have to fill the ds 1 60 which is the non immigrant application form keep the and schedule the interview with the US Consulate that all is like.

12:58:08 Common general there. But since Duke takes this extra step, you know, to, see whether you can support yourself, whether you can support your studies.

12:58:19 So that since it is done by Duke, you are kind of grilled a bit less. During the interview.

12:58:26 So because they also know that. Okay, this university they have done their own check-ins and she or he is ready, they have done their own check-ins and she or he is ready, they have done their own check-ins and she or he is ready, they can support themselves and financially there is no problem.

12:58:39 Done and then the number of questions that you face during the Visa interview, is also less in that case, like during my time I faced only 2 questions like tell me a bit about your course like what do you know and what is what interested you in this course.

12:59:02 So I started talking and it was like within a minute, he just stopped and then the guy was like, the second question was basically, can you support yourself financially?

12:59:11 And I was like, yes. And it that's all. For me, it was all and it's done approved.

12:59:16 But for example, So that's why you know university selections are also very important. So you have to like keep all these things in mind.

12:59:26 International students. That does my university do their own research and do they provide me the, this advantages because I also know a few universities and I could see when I went for the Visa People were grilled like in front of me and when I saw like when I'm saying grilled as in like grilled like The depth of the questions were like.

12:59:53 How much loan did you take? Where did you take it from? Like, number wise, everything, like I was kind of getting uncomfortable.

13:00:02 So. So yeah, I mean, I did not have to face any of that. I saw a lot of rejections which kind of made me a bit anxious that day, but, that's I think the advantage that, the few universities like to Stanford and, Purdue, they have like, they do their own research and then when you go there, there are not many

13:00:27 questions left for the visa officers to ask you. So it was pretty smooth, honestly.

13:00:34 That's really good. Like it's it's good that you pointed out this thing that you know Duke has their own step where they actually you know did all those checks before so that you're pretty easy in front of the window when you were in front of the visa officer but can you just let us know like when did you receive your offer?

13:00:56 But, can you just let us know, like, when did you receive your offer letter? Like, you were the part of Okay.

13:00:57 Around what month?

13:01:00 I think it was April beginning. Like may, may be, Good.

13:01:04 Okay. Okay. Okay, and like how was your like appointment scheduling like was it easy for you or?

13:01:17 Or like it took you a couple of weeks to get an appointment, at the consulate office.

13:01:28 Yeah, that's what I wanted to know.

13:01:26 It was very difficult. Other day remember I almost forgot how difficult it was it was very difficult like People were like, I don't know about other people like, I know me and then some of the, my close people I was talking to.

13:01:48 One open spot. And next second, you just click it. It takes you to the next page and blank.

13:02:01 Yeah.

13:01:54 So like I actually used some of the tools that are available in on internet where you can like send alerts to yourself and I would get those alerts and I would like ask and as I'm getting alerts I'm like almost like throughout the day I was on that.

13:02:15 Either via mobile or via laptop. So it was pretty difficult, but I also know of few people who suggested me as well but luckily I did not have to do that because I could book myself but people also went with a few consultancies who help you through that but i'm not sure whether that's the consultancies, who help you through that, but I'm not sure whether that's the best.

13:02:41 Okay. Yeah.

13:02:40 step that you can take because at the end of the day, I mean, it works like I know people for whom it worked and they actually booked for them and they could go.

13:02:51 It was hassle free free for them. I mean, they were kind of like doing whatever going on with their lives, not having to think about this.

13:02:58 Yeah.

13:02:59 As we like entire day, we are just looking at that. So, yeah, but it works, it works, but.

13:03:07 I personally am a very anxious person so if I'm giving my credentials to someone I am like Okay, like let me think about that.

13:03:16 So.

13:03:16 I was also in the same boat like I got the appointment really like it was more of like I was almost like at the world of missing my flight day because everything else you plan up and it's just the reason you plan up and it's just the reason.

13:03:32 And you're just manifesting that you know everything is all set up in the world of missing my flight day because everything else you plan up and it's just the reason and you're just manifesting that you get that approval from the visa officer.

13:03:39 So I got my appointment at 4 in the morning. Take. Forward in the morning as per Indian standard time and that's when I just rushed in.

13:03:48 Booked it and it was all good that okay cool shall I got the point when they said that but yeah there was the option of agents season everything and I was a little skeptical.

13:04:00 The sharing of credential was still secondary for me. The money mattered more to me because I was anyways putting in a lot of money in the process and everything that has been through.

13:04:11 So it was like. This is the least I could do with this much we have done. I can book an appointment for myself like What else can go wrong?

13:04:20 Like I'll not go, that would be the last thing. I was like, I can't pay your lord because.

13:04:31 Okay.

13:04:25 I was supposed to come in August. And I go on my offer letter in June. So I just had like a month and a half.

13:04:34 So I was like, let's see, let's just. See how much work I can do.

13:04:40 And I just took it on myself like let it be I'll just do it if not I go next year I'll get it differed.

13:04:47 But I'm not paying more than they took play the charge like good amount of 1520,000 as well.

13:04:56 Yeah.

13:04:52 Oh yeah, oh yeah. And they just say whatever amount like there is no justification like whatever because they know how desperate you are at that point.

13:05:03 So.

13:05:06 Yeah.

13:05:03 Like the 1st question they ask is like, when is your flight? And that's when you tell them like this is my flight and there's like okay there's just 45 days or 50 days so they like they charge us for that service.

13:05:16 It's easier. I know a lot of people take it. It's not a wrong word of thing, it's not a wrong word of thing, but it's just something just did not maybe work for the both of us.

13:05:24 That's what we want to put it out as.

13:05:24 Yes. Also, another thing was, scheduling the flights. I could not because everything was so uncertain.

13:05:37 Book my flights and then wait for my wait for booking my visa slots or should I do it later so I was like still thinking and I saw like some people are very optimistic.

13:05:49 I am not. So I was like still thinking and I saw like some people are very optimistic. I am not. I think I'm not.

13:05:55 So they I saw them like booking their flights. And everything was done there was but still the visas lots were not gotten or they did not schedule that and there was like very optimistic oh like visa will do it but in my brain like I was thinking no I'm 1st going to get the visa how and you have to also remember each day the flight amount keeps on increasing.

13:06:16 Like I remember someone hooded like 2 days before me and it was like a ₹50,000 difference.

13:06:29 That's it.

13:06:25 When I was like, what the hell? So yeah. But I did, I book my visas lot.

13:06:33 I finished my visa, interview and, when it was done, I had a good feeling.

13:06:39 I mean, they, I think they take your passport if you pass. So when that was done, as soon as that was done, I came home and then I booked my flight.

13:06:47 I was like, okay, if it's expensive as well, I am okay with that but like I don't like so much of uncertainties and like taking steps ahead same with the part time job, right?

13:07:01 It's like, I like to stuff. So, yeah.

13:06:59 Yeah. I got the approval and then I paid my fees. So I played that gamble. I was like, I'll not play the gamble of the fees before the approval.

13:07:12 I still get book of light. That's fine. I can let go of that much amount but not the fees.

13:07:17 So I took that extension from the college that, okay, I wrote back to the college that, okay, this is my date.

13:07:23 And I'd probably be paying the fees after that. So. They're pretty okay until about it, but yeah, that's what I did as well.

13:07:36 Yeah.

13:07:32 So that's all the, combinations. You have to walk on through depending on your case like where are you being late.

13:07:39 Yeah, I think you know that's when life starts as an international student in India. Like I think that was the 1st our series of uncertainties I saw and I thought okay like that's all like once I'm there it's okay and you don't know.

13:07:59 And I thought, okay, like that's all like once I'm there it's okay and you don't know it just keeps on continuing like it keeps on continuing for us.

13:08:03 Yeah.

13:08:03 It will not stop like like we're working now after being students, it will not stop because you know one other.

13:08:13 Good.

13:08:08 Like right now, stuff with Visa's and everything renewal is this. That so it'll stop like we are always I feel in a position where we are always I feel in a position where we are uncertain and where we are.

13:08:20 Is this that? So it will stop like we are always I feel in a position where we are uncertain and where we are uncomfortable and still we have to take decisions.

13:08:24 So I have like come in terms with that.

13:08:26 Same we are saying, like, you know, you're into the process and then, okay, your work permit is expiring or you want to get off that lottery system.

13:08:35 Or anything of that. So things just come and go and then you have to go and get it's time, change the visa.

13:08:41 So, you know, be ready like get like a good book folder where you can keep all of your documents because they're not stop coming in.

13:08:53 Yes.

13:08:49 Yeah, yeah, and that is something someone who lives here. They told me that Keep a record of everything, because once like you, won't even know.

13:09:03 Let's talk about green card and stuff like we don't we don't know anything but let's talk like yours down the line.

13:09:10 When like 5 years from now, 10 years from now, documents like 10 years back and then you'll be like oh where we didn't even keep this document because we thought it's not important but it is important.

13:09:25 So That is one advice I got and it's really helpful. Like you should have.

13:09:28 Yeah, I agree. I agree to it as well because I have been maintaining that documentation as well. Like, Still the data landed here.

13:09:38 To the current times like I haven't gone back yet. So I'm keeping a record of everything like you don't know anything could come up so you know there should be every record of it so that you know you can present it later as will meet your taxations or anything else of that sort.

13:10:03 Yeah.

13:09:54 Everything keep a record of everything not trying to scare you all off but it's good just to keep it recorded you know it's anyways your own You are entitled to present all those records one day at a time.

13:10:06 Yeah.

13:10:07 Okay, okay. So, that's more of, we understood like the before the party begins things that you know what are you prepped up to be part of the party begins things that, you know, what are you prepped up to be part of, and now, you know, all these are thing done, everything done and you're packed up to come to the university.

13:10:25 Explore the new city. So, just in brief tell us like how was your transition process how was it like the 1st couple of weeks when you came here from India to US.

13:10:39 It's challenging. Of course, everyone knows it has to be. So 1st few days you just figure out like you don't have a car, you figure out how to get your groceries, how to get your mattress, how to get everything, and you plan everything in a group.

13:10:59 Usually because it's cheap. When you're going in a group. So in a different country, it's safer.

13:11:07 When you're going to a certain place that you don't know. We're going out.

13:11:14 Like setting up the apartment and setting up all the other settings, getting groceries or things you need.

13:11:24 Apart from that, the like at Duke, Duke had a orientation week like one week long and it was so good.

13:11:34 Yeah. Yeah, the orientation week as far as I know it started during our batch like fall 2022.

13:11:41 And it was very successful like we were getting food every day cookies and salads and like good food.

13:11:50 And, for 7 days it was, kind of like this simulation, events that they were doing 1st students take part in this, then you have a break.

13:12:02 Like it was like kind of like studying, but not studying kinda like small short projects, but they were giving you break where you can like enjoy food and in the evening they are doing something fun for you guys.

13:12:14 The major role like in that where students felt very welcomed and they were like settling in and different professors would come and they would like say what you can expect.

13:12:24 From the course and being very friendly, one thing which I love, love, love about Duke is the faculty.

13:12:31 I feel like Duke has one of the best faculties where you can approach your teachers, your professors anytime, where you can approach your teachers, your professors anytime, and anytime they are there to guide you to advice you to help you.

13:12:45 Anything like it doesn't have to be subject related it doesn't have to be course related it can be your personal life I've seen I have seen some students as well go with personal life problems and they're like teachers are just talking.

13:12:59 Through, talking them through it. Yeah, so it was like something the orientation we guy got to we got to learn about the sessions with one professors and a group of students like 6 or 7 and you just communicate with them.

13:13:20 So it was really good. Academic wise just to get to know your university a bit better the environment the culture.

13:13:29 Apart from that if you are like staying like mostly we stay in student departments. We stayed in a student department, incident departments, which is very near to Duke.

13:13:51 Yeah. Yeah.

13:13:40 Our campus was West Campus, so we would stay there and you kind of make friends, you eat with them every day, you go out with your roommates, figure things out together that's what I'm saying but having said that One thing I would say is like you have to also keep in mind that you have to also be very self reliant like you kind of in this process you cannot depend on anyone that okay

13:14:06 like if I'm doing that. I gotta do with that person or I gotta do with that group.

13:14:11 So if you're depending so much on another person, like that person is not responsible for you like they are also coming here for the 1st time and they are also figuring things out.

13:14:22 So one example for me was which I always give the example. So I had like an MI phone which operates in India and it totally did not work here.

13:14:30 So my, cellular network was not working. My internet's not working. My phone was not working and I was kind of getting dependent on people and you know you feel like okay like we are together we'll figure it out but at the end of the day I found out like you know like they are doing their things out. They're also figuring things out.

13:14:49 So you cannot depend totally on everyone, but to an extent where you feel like it's helping you, but also like very self reliant where you are like, you can, you know where this bus route goes and you can go on your own if it requires you to go and do your necessary things and not entirely depend on.

13:15:16 Yeah.

13:15:10 Yeah, that's 1 thing you're like that's the thing that you have to take in with a pinch of salt that You have to start enjoying your own company.

13:15:22 You have to trust yourself. People would like I would be honest, you, when you were, when you were a student, you would have like, you know, you know, your study sessions, group sessions, everything together.

13:15:36 Going everywhere together and having somebody alongside with you but when you come to the corporate life those things really go to lesser number of days.

13:15:45 And those party times anything of that sort gets reduced. So eventually you have to stay on your own. Things on your own.

13:15:57 So they are there, but still. That has to be there that you have to start enjoying your company.

13:16:01 So, so that monotony does not affect you and you know. All that things. So that's there.

13:16:08 Yeah.

13:16:09 I felt I felt that was important. Because I had to learn it in a difficult way. So I like anyone who comes here and like, you know, asks for a bit of advice. I'm like, you know, asks for a bit of advice.

13:16:22 I'm like, see, can get lonely here, but, you shouldn't feel bad about it or you shouldn't let yourself get into depression or all this stuff.

13:16:31 Just expect that it gets a bit lonely here, but you should also. Think of how to navigate through those situations because there are plenty amount like, for example, has social gatherings, international student gatherings, all these events it does for, you know, to make you feel welcomed or for you to find people.

13:16:50 So why not take advantage of those? And role with it, you know, instead of just feeling like, okay, I am missing my family and I'm so, so sad.

13:16:59 So yeah.

13:17:03 Yeah.

13:16:59 It's either the end of the day, that's what you signed up for. So, it is something that you have to plan it out for yourself.

13:17:09 Not depending on others always, but still. Having that family sort of thing because obviously the friends and everyone you get here are your only family here.

13:17:19 So still being independent but yeah obviously having people around you that that. Okay, but I said like we know like the job market was really bad.

13:17:30 Starting 2022. I have been into the same boat. And I am really glad that you have this 1st job.

13:17:41 After your master's degree. I know it would have taken you a couple of, you know, couple of Bye, times by interviews and you know bad times is where where you were being coasted or anything of that so that's what we've all seen through but how was your experience in terms of.

13:17:58 Searching for a job and all of that time.

13:18:03 Hmm. So, again, another advice I got from the seniors or, Duke alumni was Please start your internship search early as early as possible and then they mentioned the same mistake that they did.

13:18:19 Was, they were like, we started late and I mean, of course they got internships, but It was like more anxious time, right?

13:18:31 If you're starting late, just imagine how bad the job market is. And on top of that, you're starting late.

13:18:36 Like it's like gone, like it's like a gone case. So, I did that too.

13:18:41 I wouldn't say I started very late, but I did not understand the intensity or how important it was to, for example, Thank you.

13:18:51 Thank you. From the beginning. I did not know. I was like because we didn't do those things in India, right?

13:18:57 So we are like, Listen all those things and we're like, okay, we'll do, we'll do.

13:19:02 But in your mind, it's still like, okay, like, let me still like just put the same resume everywhere and it was not working and I was not even bothered.

13:19:10 I was like, okay, maybe they're not selected. So what I'm trying to say is to figure that path that what I need to do that it is not working out for me it took some time.

13:19:23 So 1st I started maybe like December to like write down my resume and then resume the format you write here is way different than you write in India.

13:19:32 So you have to know like my resume that I submitted for my Duke application looks totally different from what it looks like.

13:19:39 So that and people like when they're beginning their journey, they don't realize. How much time it's gonna take to just write your resume.

13:19:49 Like we think, okay, it's left one today thing. Like we just write what we did, but it's not like you know, like we know how difficult it is.

13:19:57 So December, I'm like riding resume, not getting offers and then no interviews and I'm like at this point February I'm like kinda getting like anxious and like what's happening because now you see students who got an internship they are like posting in the group.

13:20:13 The hey like this is this I'm moving here is anyone moving So it's like it it makes you more anxious when you know you are not getting any interviews and then people are there who have their .

13:20:26 Ships offer So yeah, so I would say then I realized like another thing is Duke has this career services where they give you this tools.

13:20:40 Where like different tools like there are tools like recruitment platforms like handshake where you can connect with recruiters and all of that.

13:20:49 And then it gives you tools where you can. Taylor, you resume it and it gives you resume points and it helps you.

13:20:56 So the due career services really helps you and then there are some mandatory some optional seminars where it will tells you how you can write your resume, and how you should approach the job market.

13:21:10 So I kind of attended those and I actually saw a lot of students attending those and kind of they felt it was beneficial for them.

13:21:19 It was beneficial for me. I'm more and more idea. Okay, like then this is how I take learn my resume for each job requirement or each job role.

13:21:33 And this is how I approach the recruiters on LinkedIn or this is how I send them cold emails, right?

13:21:38 We never sent cold emails. We never sent cold LinkedIn DM. So that is like my internship searches where it all started.

13:21:46 So I was like, okay, what do I write? Like how do I send, this email to this recruiter or how do we find their email IDs?

13:21:55 So all that extra work that you have to put through it's like a lot very difficult for international students.

13:22:02 And on top of that, recruiters multiple times. Like at this point I don't even remember the count but I have been like some unfair stuffs also happened like you know my offer letter got taken back.

13:22:24 And then I was promised enough a letter tomorrow, for example, and today I'm like in formed, no, like, the management is not ready to give you the offered letter or they're not looking for this all those excuses or all those reasons.

13:22:40 So it becomes more and more. Difficult on us during that time. Because now we are putting all those efforts and we are not seeing any result and we still have to get this internship offers.

13:22:53 It's difficult. So that happened with me twice, but eventually very late in, in the, in summer.

13:23:02 I think May ish, I made, 2,000, and 23, I got my internship.

13:23:06 AI startup at tech company and my experience was really good there but since it was a startup and it did not have a requirement, was really good there, but since it was a startup and it did not have a requirement, for a full time role, I was already like looking for options like how to now approach my full time.

13:23:27 Job. Search. So. So, now what else, now that the, during the internship, I have like gone through the process.

13:23:40 I know what I had to do. So now it become a bit more easier during my full time search and I did all those things.

13:23:46 Like for every job role, I was tailoring, you may. I was reaching out to the recruiters.

13:23:52 I was having a notion, page where I'm like riding and keeping track of all the applications and which is very important.

13:24:02 Tracking your applications, which again, I did not put importance into, but I understood how important it is.

13:24:08 And yeah, and just by that I just kept continuing doing the same thing over and over again. And I think, If you're in job, I reached, I saw a post from, my manager and I reached out to her.

13:24:23 I sent my portfolio. I sent her my resume and she was interested. And, yeah, and that is Okay.

13:24:28 The good part was, it was not Kind of shady, nothing was shady, nothing was.

13:24:35 Unnecessarily delayed. Everything was like, okay, I like your. resume and let's get in the call and same week.

13:24:45 Okay. And after the like after the 1st interview was done, it was like, okay, we like you and we would want you to move into the next round.

13:24:53 So what I'm saying is like, clear, very transparent process which made me, you know, interested in the company, in the people, in the team, and while they were like figuring out after the final interview like their own stuff.

13:25:08 She was like communicating with me throughout the process and you get anxious, right? So like if I was not getting reply, I would like again after 2 days, I text her and then she was like getting reply I would like again after 2 days, I would like again after 2 days, I text her and then she was like, Anna, I'm not ghosting you.

13:25:22 I am here and then she was like, Anania, I'm not ghosting you. I am here and we are still figuring that out.

13:25:25 So do not think I'm not ghosting you. I am here and we are still figuring that out.

13:25:28 So do not think like I didn't. I am here and we are still figuring that out.

13:25:30 So do not think like I didn't even mention that but the good part is that we are still figuring that out.

13:25:32 So do not think like I didn't even mention that but the good part is the undist You know, you feel like you might be ghosted about that and they're like taking active, actions to not make you feel that way.

13:25:41 I found like I felt very good about the team and, till date I feel very good about the team.

13:25:45 So yeah.

13:25:45 That's some reason. That's amazing. Like the coasting part is the worst part and I guess you landed up to a good team and they were working out on things because .

13:25:56 Is another bar for us to get it because if not that we still not secure secure Oh, for the coming years.

13:26:03 So that really. Is important. I went across couple of startup companies as well and it's completely fair for startup companies to nor have anything for international students because they're still starting up with things and that is not somewhere they want to focus on.

13:26:17 So that is challenging but Don't talk about like I know you are a product manager. How does your current role with your organization aligns with the curriculum that how are the proportionate in any ways.

13:26:34 Yeah, so, my current organization is financial services industry and In Accenture, I used to work with my clients, which were also financial services.

13:26:47 Industry clients. So that kind of helped me try that kind of help me transition or I think, made my, manager seem like I'm eligible for that role.

13:26:58 So, it was the same thing, but in accent, it was as I told you, it was not direct product management, but I had like idea I was working with product owners and all of that and the CRM and like, yeah, I would say the overall product, but not directly.

13:27:14 So here, now that I have worked there in the financial services industry there. And now I went through the Duke course and I studied okay like now from product perspective, this is what the product manager needs to do, all the product research and managing team, this, that all.

13:27:34 And the good part was, in Duke, the courses where we had industry experience or industry exposure.

13:27:40 Where we are working with the startups and actually giving them. Strategies, product strategies, which were also utilized by them.

13:27:48 It was not like on paper, but which were. Which we could see make changes in their product actually.

13:27:55 So those consulting projects and all of those kind of help me transition here. So now all those. Financial services knowledge, industry knowledge, and then all the product knowledge like mixed together.

13:28:09 It's like whatever I kind of imagined or wanted to learn in my new role I am doing it and I'm learning.

13:28:17 I'm pretty happy with the responsibilities and I would say it with what I thought it would.

13:28:23 That's cool. That's cool. Okay, the degree program, fully, fully paid for it.

13:28:29 Yeah.

13:28:29 And whatever you learn like that is something really important when you get that, feeling that you know whatever you learn theoretically during the class.

13:28:38 The It's more of a few more on the practical versions of it and it just feels good that, okay, now I do it in the real time.

13:28:49 Okay.

13:28:46 And that's what you paid all that amount for actually to get such an experience. So that's amazing.

13:28:54 And, yep, go ahead.

13:28:57 So a lot of, incoming students, they also asked me about, the projects like the Duke projects that have industry exposure right and they are a few honestly like students Choose them usually like For me, I had like 2 years of experience before, but there are also freshers who are fresh out of undergrad and they do not have any experience.

13:29:25 Now they want they need to have some experience or some industry exposure or industry experience in their resume to show that, okay, like they're eligible for that role.

13:29:37 So in that case, like Duke has this courses. Consulting practicum or, design thinking project.

13:29:46 What else can I think of like there are few like negotiations some of the courses that I'm mentioning it's like for them You are directly working with the CEO or your directly working with the company executives and you are giving them strategy recommendations.

13:30:03 That they actually. Imply on their products and they actually share the metric change, metrics how the metrics are changing, when they are talking with you.

13:30:15 So big part of product management is stakeholder management. Are you able to talk to all of your stakeholders?

13:30:21 Vendors or different teams, engineers, and based on all those, are you able to give recommendations which are helpful and duke projects and these projects while working with the.

13:30:34 CEOs and were working with the company executives. It gives you so much of those knowledge because now you know how what is going on in your CEOs mind.

13:30:45 You know what they're thinking of. Some of the recommendations which you think are also productive but in their mind they're like It is productive but it's not feasible.

13:30:55 We cannot do it right now. So to you know get in that mindset and to understand how my recommendations whether it's feasible, how it is feasible, can it be implied right now?

13:31:08 So, yeah, I would say it's all about getting into that mindset, the product manager mindset and Duke does a really good job of like helping you get into that mindset, I would say.

13:31:20 And once you were in that mindset, I think like the rest of the things you can always learn.

13:31:26 And, sorry. And it's more of like when you get into that headspace, you just think everything in those terms only that okay, how can I manage it?

13:31:38 How can I make it more tunable, productive and then how much feasibility factor it has like I know you will be the best into this space and you would know it better.

13:31:46 And the management of it and how can we tune it better. So that's why you know what we learn and now what we implement in the real times of.

13:31:56 Management of the project. So that's amazing and that's good that Duke gave that that exposure to folks as well so that they can brush up and see.

13:32:07 Where do they actually fit in, how much they could, you know, put up the feasibility factors for all those projects.

13:32:16 So that's great. The very last question that I have here for you before we, you know, end up this podcast is, Hi, I really wanted to know and let everyone who is watching out here as well to know more about any sort of community experience that you have maybe through Duke University like student societies or anything in general or any other offline community experience that you had or have seen it.

13:32:44 So all have experienced it and want to talk about it.

13:32:47 So one of the major things that I can think of is one of the conferences that I went to.

13:32:54 I think it's a Grace Hopper conference. I went there, and Duke, does, sponsor you, maybe not entirely, depends, like when I went to the ticket prices were more, so duke like kind of sponsored half of it, but, if you could book it earlier and you got the spot it was like lesser amount and in that case Duke is sponsoring for your whole

13:33:19 thing. So it was great experience. It was offline experience and this was really just before my full-time job and I could see.

13:33:30 How crazy people were in that conference, like honestly. Did I feel it was very productive for me?

13:33:39 Maybe not, but that is not. Why? So the thing is how it was, projected to us or how I, understood this, about the Grace Hopper conference was, okay, if you go to this, you get a job, but they should not like, that is not what happens.

13:33:58 Like it's like, okay, you go there and you connect with people and you get to network and maybe you'll get a job.

13:34:08 But since looking at the times, how difficult it is right now, all over the place. So. I did not get any offer by the way from, GHC.

13:34:22 So that is something, Duke does and it does, sponsor for your conferences if you wanna go somewhere limited amount of course and then there are different clubs like there are product management clubs for folks who are interested in product management or they wanna drive management clubs would do, you know, organize this events where you compete within and like they, they continue with the momentum and they keep it going.

13:34:54 Like if you're into operations or if you're into supply chain or if you're into consulting, so they're different clubs, consulting clubs, product management clubs, supply chain clubs, and they These are organized by the Duke students like the current students and they have this cabinet.

13:35:14 Managers or the team that they form and they bring in people as well to talk about this stuff like industry leaders, we call it industry leaders.

13:35:27 Or like, let's just say like CEOs of startups and like people who have had similar experiences and they come and they show you how to do it.

13:35:36 Maybe it's a two-day event and they'll go through, they'll be there, with, with you for those 2 days and then they'll show you, are they'll, so that's what I'm saying.

13:35:46 Like it's like an ongoing process and at the same time this clubs also. Help you with like during the job search they bring in, they try to, they try to bring in this, leaders who will be like, having this network, where you have this network opportunities where you'll network with them and you can connect with them on and then go through them and they can kind of.

13:36:11 Recommend you if you want them to. So those things and apart from them, apart from that, then, Duke has, as I was telling you, the career services or apart from that too, like it's does not limited to.

13:36:26 Getting a job. It's also limited to, okay, like you, you wanna know about Visa, or what Visa status, renewals and what you need to do like they bring in speakers where they talk about those things and those.

13:36:38 You know after that like what to do. How to approach the visa status and how to work from there.

13:36:46 Community organization in at Duke is really really very strong and it is something which is just not again on paper or just for the sake of it but they are actually doing some good work like all these projects that I was talking about, they are arranging it, they are bringing in leaders and they are designing it like from the beginning till the end.

13:37:12 So it is really recommendable.

13:37:12 That's great. That's great. And, they actually really help you all load and, what I've heard so far is It just gives you idea about the industry as well that Duke is focusing on different like subcategories of the industry, supply chain consulting, project management and other more.

13:37:33 And then obviously focusing on the trails of, you know, if you're an international student and know more about what's coming next for you and having like a committee who can answer more of your questions.

13:37:44 So that's really amazing. Like you have folks around.

13:37:47 Yeah, I think there is, I was not a part of it, but, there are communities for international students as well.

13:37:56 Like.

13:37:54 Like, of course, like. Like there's something I think that in those society and like different culture, different ethnicity.

13:38:02 Okay, got it.

13:38:14 Yeah.

13:38:03 And they organized this traditional events like for us is Diwali for Chinese people I think it's Chinese New big events in your ethnicity or your culture, they celebrated together or just to plan it like it records so much to just plan it like it records so much to just plan it so people can show up right so that's huge and I think those are also, those

13:38:31 also involved not just current students, but also alumni. Alumni for like years they have been like involved in that process which makes it like cool like you know there's the valley in your college and you can like dance there's It's fun.

13:38:49 They just make it more fun.

13:38:49 It's nice. I like like when colleges have like my college also. Has those societies and it just makes you more culture to your country and you know maybe you're not missing out on things.

13:39:03 Yeah.

13:39:09 Yeah.

13:39:05 So it just makes you feel more welcomed and inclusive there where you can be part of such societies and obviously learn and network and you don't know how you can stumble upon folks and Get something on your hands.

13:39:16 Yeah.

13:39:21 Okay.

13:39:18 Maybe a job or maybe a good connection. So that's amazing and like I really like what Duke has done so far and it's really impressive.

13:39:29 So A great choice and you know I would say a perfect dream university for you and I'm glad that you could actually experience all these things and come and talk about the university because that's the on for yours now like we were part of that family and as part of the Alumni group.

13:39:51 But thank you so much, you know, for sharing all those things before we just head off, like sign off.

13:39:58 One last thing like any sort of advice. I know you have shared a lot through the hour. In between, but At the last you want to like sum up to all the international students coming to Duke University anything.

13:40:14 From somebody who has already done the course. Okay.

13:40:22 I don't have one. I have like small stuff, but I'd say so if you're applying if you haven't finished the application process.

13:40:32 Just to make sure that you know what electives you're looking for, what courses you're looking for.

13:40:39 Please look into your, finances, that is something, you know, it can get out of control and if you do not manage them.

13:40:48 So that is something of course like that is if I don't say also it's like something general they'll anywhere look into.

13:40:54 And then, once you are here, as I was telling, like, Studies will go on.

13:41:03 Just like. Apart from studies, it's very important. You take your own time.

13:41:10 A lot of people, they kind of tend to burn out. Because so many things are going on together.

13:41:16 And just breathe and just go with the flow, your projects like. Take part in as many team building exercises as you can do because, you know, at the end of the day, it really builds.

13:41:30 What you build the product manager I would say if you are like targeting product management. And yeah apart from that Yeah, I I think these 2 but academically, if I would have to say something it's like electives are they go away very soon like there are very some of the hard choices for the electives which as soon as they come they go away like if you are not selecting it within

13:42:01 the given time frame, they go away. Like if you are not selecting it within the given time frame, you cannot select them.

13:42:07 And if it's something like It's only available in fall. So if you don't select it this time and you are if you are like for example planning for 2 semesters, you cannot do that at all.

13:42:15 So you have to like wait for the next fall to select those. So. As all the alumni say like plan everything like early i did not do that most of the alumni did not do that but it's really important planning everything like if you are looking for Okay, I'm using every, like if you can, plan it.

13:42:35 From before and then if you are looking into this courses plan it from before okay I want to do this course so you're not confused coming here okay like I'll figure out what I want to do this course. So you're not confused coming here.

13:42:49 Okay, like I'll figure out what I want to do because you don't get the time once you are here all the time you get is before you come here.

13:42:56 All the time you get is before you come here. So, yeah, just, planning, going with the flow and making yourself healthy.

13:43:01 That's like perfect on the lines and. You know, as part of the degree programs, you have to be like.

13:43:10 As steady just on the tip of your toes that you know you can't just buy out time on things because if time goes off you're done so it's more of like to not wait for that 1159 p.

13:43:24 Yeah.

13:43:23 M. Probably get thing done per day before. Because with the experiences that we come and share here, it's more of whatever we Did not do properly or maybe did not plan a properly is something where you can be a step ahead.

13:43:43 Bye.

13:43:38 Than us. And get better on those things so that you need a good trail for others. So you can become up with different issues and that could go up for the next batch to know, okay, this is something that to note for.

13:43:52 But the one thing that Same for everyone here is more of, you know, just be sure what you want to do with every semester.

13:44:00 And that's how you plan so it's very important to be into that journaling thing that you know you plan everything you keep a track of things you know okay what next what and I supposed to do for this week this day.

13:44:13 I do not lose track of time.

13:44:16 Yeah. And as I was saying, to, Saman, it's like, I did not understand the importance of.

13:44:26 Marking stuff or listing stuff or having notion. So it is so important. Like I knew that's what I'm saying.

13:44:35 Heard it, we need to do it. But we did not do it, right? At the right time.

13:44:43 And when we did it, it was already so late. So anything like if you can write about the finances, whatever you are targeting.

13:44:49 So anything like if you can write about the finances, whatever you are targeting like with courses or Looking at the current job market like it is so difficult right now.

13:44:54 So just to keep track of all your applications, start applying as early as possible. Like before, we could still, you know, give a benefit of doubt and be a bit late, but looking at the current scenario, there is no time to be late and like if you are doing that you are kind of Not doing your best honestly.

13:45:14 So.

13:45:15 It's a better to be early. Then to be late because, I know. Live before COVID or life maybe before was different.

13:45:27 Actually what like what all of us have seen it. From India is like things get really easy. US is a line of opportunities you get things really easy that are a lot of opportunities.

13:45:39 But with time that has to a position where you know the pool of unemployment is more as compared to number of positions.

13:45:48 You have to stand out in some ways. All the others. So that is up to you how you do that, how you plan things.

13:45:56 And that's what, you know, what we talk about here is where that, you know, how can you be different because Every year people are graduating and then with that time a lot of people are getting laid off.

13:46:10 So the pool is increasing day by day and you have to stand out in some ways or the other because everyone's like at the level of good you have to be a little apart then.

13:46:21 So, yeah.

13:46:23 Something I heard from one of my mentors, few days back was people who came to US or to other countries.

13:46:32 For, you know, for studies as international students. Maybe Canada for example, it was much easier for people 5 years back to get established here start a career go with your life much much easier than what you would perceive today.

13:46:54 Like today, your dream of this international studies or the get yourself settled is not as clear as it used to be or let's say not as easy as it used to be like and I am exclusively saying that because it is a thing like we don't wanna just Say people it's easy because it's not if it's hard you gotta say people it is hard right now and if we are facing it like most probably it's not

13:47:22 going away in the next year. So if you are, if someone's coming in the next year, No, it's already difficult and it's just adding to the difficult.

13:47:30 Yeah. It's hard. It's competitive that would be the word that I would use that, you know, you are in all order but when you come to the badge of the class that you are part of you'd see a lot of diverse groups 1st of all and then All of them are good.

13:47:50 Like, you know, they're good at their own skills and that is something that makes you all in the same pool and then you are competing for that one job.

13:48:02 So it's very competitive, be it getting into a school. Oh, I'll be getting individual.

13:48:08 It's all competitive. So you have to stand out in some ways. So yeah, that's life here and I hope so like for me it was a good eye really like what Duke has been doing and you know, has done during your course program as well and it's really commendable.

13:48:28 You know, the university helps at every stage. How much resources they could provide at their levels. It's up to you how much you're taking, but it's something that's great what Duke has been doing so far.

13:48:40 And I hope so. All this information. Creates an impact somebody gets held and you know is into Duke and I would be leaving down, your LinkedIn handle below in the description so that folks could reach out to you for more questions that we couldn't get hold of during this hour.

13:48:57 But I would really like to say thank you so much. Nania, for making out time. And coming up talking about all your experiences because it's it really matters a lot so far I never knew all of these things about Duke and through you I could actually see what duke has been into how it helps the folks being international students and that's the main thing that a university could do.

13:49:20 So thank you so much and thank you so much for being on ITS. To share your experience.

13:49:25 Thank you so much for having me and I hope I could answer all your questions.

13:49:31 Totally, totally. If not, I guess folks would reach out to you and would spam your inbox.

13:49:36 I would love that if that would happen. But, for now, we will just sign off and we'll get back with another episode soon.