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Home Away from Home - Shivani Shetty's Cybersecurity Journey at Stevens Institute of Technology | Off the Record with Saman — Student Abroad Podcast

Episode Summary

Stevens Institute becomes Shivani's launchpad for cybersecurity success. Uncover how determination, adaptability, and a welcoming community shaped her journey far from home.

Episode Notes

Guest: Shivani Shetty, Cybersecurity Consultant, Cyber Arts

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Host: Saman Fatima

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Episode Description

Are you from India? Wishing to come to the USA for your studies? Is your dream university - Steven's Institute of Technology? If yes, grab a pen, paper, and water, and you are all good to know everything. From researching the dream university to getting selected and beating the elephant in the room (i.e. the VISA process) to settling up - you need to know EVERYTHING because, at the end of the day, it is a foreign land with a lot of newness, loneliness, and self-dependency.



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Episode Transcription

Home Away from Home - Shivani Shetty's Cybersecurity Journey at Stevens Institute of Technology | Off the Record with Saman — Student Abroad Podcast

19:09:37 Hi, everyone. We are back with another episode on off the record with me. Someone.

19:09:43 And another college, another guest, and she's a special friend from a conference that you met, I guess, last year. Yes, last year in Denver.

19:09:53 And that's how we know each other through the cyber security community. And I would really love for her to come oncast and talk about her experience. With Stevens Institute of Technology, which is.

19:10:08 A very famous one. When you talk about.

19:10:11 Institutions back in New Jersey. So we welcome you. Thank you so much for joining the podcast and we'd love to know a bit of your side, a bit of your introduction. Where did you come from? Like your original country? And then your prior experience back in your country? And when did you came here? What course you did? And where are you right now?

19:10:34 Hello, everyone, and thank you so much. Thank you so much, for you know, introducing.

19:10:38 And inviting me for this podcast

19:10:41 I hope this journey of mine helps others, you know, in deciding their journey to in, you know, coming to us, or any other country as well.

19:10:49 So, coming to myself, this is Shivan Ishi, and.

19:10:55 I I'm from.

19:10:56 Karnataka bang India. So basically, I'm from a place called Asup.

19:11:02 Which is like famous for temples.

19:11:04 And yeah.

19:11:06 I have done my bachelors in computer science.

19:11:09 Soon after finishing my bachelors in science, I started working as a full stack developer.

19:11:15 And when that is when I realized.

19:11:17 What am I even doing here? This is not what I'm you know what I meant for.

19:11:21 So that is when I you know, I decided. Oh, this is the time I need to do my masters.

19:11:26 And I started researching. And then, you know, I.

19:11:29 I went down to do my master's.

19:11:32 At Stevenson, of technology in cybersecurity. That is.

19:11:35 That is because cyber security was something that I always loved.

19:11:39 And

19:11:40 So after my time and Stevens, I started working as a cyber security.

19:11:47 At near show cyber. And even currently, I'm working in the Cyber Security Consultant. It has been great journey so far.

19:11:54 Thank you so much, and that was like a very great experience back from Karnataka and then coming to New Jersey.

19:12:01 You know, we'll talk about a lot about that cultural shock and a lot of other things which everyone I have talked about and known how things have gone that far, so.

19:12:10 Starting with just the college like, if we just know that, you know, whenever we do apply for international colleges, we always like.

19:12:19 Take a lot of options together, like, okay, option number 1, 2, 3, 4. So I would suppose, like, you would also have couple of offers in hand, so.

19:12:30 Just throw some light on how Steven stood out for you, and then, obviously.

19:12:35 We'll talk more about the course selection as well how it stood out for. But initially, I want to really talk about the college, how it stood out for you.

19:12:44 Yeah. So, coming to deciding the college, I had multiple offers from different colleges, and my initial plan was to come in 2020. But things got differed because of all covid things, and you know it took a toll on me as well.

19:12:58 And.

19:12:59 Because of that. One of the reasons I had like multiple offers from University of Michigan.

19:13:07 Boston. University.

19:13:08 But then

19:13:09 After in that one year.

19:13:11 During that decision I had to make. Should I go for Masters? Or what should I be doing.

19:13:16 And that time my health also started.

19:13:18 And then

19:13:21 Why I chose Stevens was stevens was giving.

19:13:24 A really good scholarship.

19:13:26 Its location.

19:13:27 And.

19:13:28 Fun. Fact is, I had taken a course with a professor named Edward Amaro.

19:13:34 This very famous professor here and.

19:13:36 I wanted to.

19:13:37 Blown under him, and, you know, try to understand his way of teaching. That is something that I loved.

19:13:42 So like, let's.

19:13:43 It will be better if I can go and talk to him in person, and, you know, get to his classes, or else you know

19:13:50 If the well, if my health was right. During that time.

19:13:55 I would have chosen Michigan as well. But since it is a cold place, I wanted to avoid it, and then, you know I was like, Okay, Nj. Is a safer place than.

19:14:04 Get going to Michigan, and also.

19:14:07 Me coming from a diverse view. I was, like, you know, inclined towards being near New York, so that you know I can explore and.

19:14:14 Open up myself.

19:14:16 New York is any day love.

19:14:18 Like. I always say it out loud there, that, you know, if given an option. Yes, obviously it's more on the.

19:14:27 Sites, where.

19:14:29 9 out of 10 cases, everyone's dream city to go, either study or work, or you know.

19:14:37 For a vacation so obviously that that stood out for me. And apart from that, yeah, considering the fact, the options that you had, I guess

19:14:47 Nj. Was the best choice.

19:14:49 Considering.

19:14:50 You know, you're closer to the community. And then, there are a lot of students there, because there are a lot of college colleges there in that, you know. Maybe if you talk about Nj. Or Nyc. There are a lot of colleges spread across.

19:15:03 So there are a lot of job opportunities and other opportunities. I guess that that comes in handy.

19:15:10 So.

19:15:11 Before we head on to this fellowship part that you.

19:15:14 Briefly mentioned about you wanted to talk about how obviously is a very niche field. And now, like I myself did it in information systems. And you know, specializations in cyber security.

19:15:27 But what was your viewpoint? Did you had prior experience in cyber security, or because it was a niche field you wanted to go into. Or maybe the professor was the reason. Maybe he was into cyber security. And that's how the interest was built up.

19:15:43 So my interest, I would say, started back in 16, when I was doing my bachelors in computer science.

19:15:49 I was introduced to.

19:15:53 You know, computer networks. And then that is, when I started playing with IP addresses.

19:15:57 And.

19:15:58 I was like.

19:15:59 One thing, what does IP config.

19:16:01 You know all of this are doing what is what is all of this.

19:16:04 And.

19:16:06 To my surprise, and went on to, you know.

19:16:07 Get into some IP addresses of colleges which I should not be having access to.

19:16:12 And that is when I realized, okay, this things needs to be safeguarded. And that is my interest. And it went on, you know.

19:16:20 It went on going up. Then I started doing hack me, trying to see what I can do, what I can learn.

19:16:26 Does that back in India. I did not have an option to start in a security role.

19:16:33 So I felt that you know everyone.

19:16:37 Who I was talking to was like, Oh, you need to be from an Iit, or you need to be from.

19:16:41 Some type, 3 colleges.

19:16:43 Taiwan colleges. Sorry. So you know, I was like, Oh, that is not making any sense. And I was like, Okay, let's. And another part of it was, I liked web development.

19:16:52 So I was like.

19:16:54 Let's just take whatever I have. Right now and then I started doing full stack at this company called as Capillary Technologies. So there.

19:17:02 Even though I was doing a full stack. But I was dealing with clients like pizza hut Kfcs.

19:17:07 So, you know, I was always towards customers. Customer, centric thing.

19:17:11 So I was like, how can I bring in security angle towards this.

19:17:14 So I started working on the application security part of it.

19:17:17 So brought in, that.

19:17:19 Multi-factor authentications and stuff. And then I was like, Oh, this is not what I should be doing here. I need to start drawing and doing what I love so.

19:17:27 And I decided.

19:17:28 Yeah, it's time for me to do, my masters, which I had initially planned.

19:17:32 And then I came here.

19:17:34 Did my masters. In 2021. I came in fall 2021, and started masters.

19:17:39 Nice.

19:17:41 Because I was hearing couple of things. So I myself graduated back in 2,017, and that's when cyber security was really at a baby level back in India. If I talk about.

19:17:51 And not everyone was so much aware about things like you mentioned about things like web development. IP, and you know, mfa, so a lot of those things were still, you know, getting into the systems in a way that people were getting known to all those things that okay, apart from passwords as well. There are other things.

19:18:11 But it came into picture a little later in the twenties, when a lot of security and stuff happened in a very sophisticated manner.

19:18:20 So you know, cyber security geared from there and then the domain knowledge and a lot of other things. And now we see a lot of diverse background when we talk about cyber security, like people like us who have done their masters. And now they are, you know, drilling through different domains into the industry.

19:18:36 So.

19:18:37 That's amazing, like, I also got to know a lot about cyber.

19:18:41 Back from my undergrad only, and that's where I piggybacked and took it 5 years in India. And then here in us as well, so that's amazing. So.

19:18:52 Let's just talk about the fun section where I really want to talk about that scholarship thing that you know, every international student really looks forward to like. You know, there are certain meritorious boards where you get the scholarship, or there are certain scholarship only parked for international students like with my college. It was it was

19:19:12 Set amount parked for international students, and then nothing else. You get it.

19:19:17 But how does Stevens work for it? And you know, obviously, this, we're talking about 21 like a disclaimer for everyone. Maybe things have changed for 2024 or the coming year. So probably check out the website. But yeah, Siobhan, you over to you to talk about your tuition, and you know scholarship you know, breakout, so that we could understand how much.

19:19:41 Significantly. A person has to pay out of pockets, and what are the different ways one could get the scholarship or the anything that is provided by the college or the department.

19:19:51 Yeah, so basically at Stevens.

19:19:55 With. When you apply for the when you apply with them. When you send out an application, you can apply for the scholarship as well. You just have to say, do you want financial ad? And then, you know, you would be selected. But the selection process for scholarship would depend on your J. Score as well as your.

19:20:12 Offer a lot of dual lingo scores.

19:20:14 So if you're not given let's say or toll.

19:20:19 There are less chances of you getting a scholarship in my case. I had prepared for it, and had given as well as my toga, so I had got like 15,000.

19:20:29 So you know, that helped me during my yeah tensions and stuff so around, if you, if I consider.

19:20:37 Pay anything around like.

19:20:39 50 to 60 in total.

19:20:42 Like for your one and a half year or 2 years of masters.

19:20:45 So in that. You know, in my case I had got some good scholarship.

19:20:50 As well as I had applied for external grants as well. So that is something called, as in India. We have something called as Rotary Club.

19:21:00 So through Rotary Club you can, if you are part of a rotary club, and if you are doing something for the community.

19:21:06 In India or any other country. They help you with getting a scholarship as well in us.

19:21:11 So that way through them I'd got $5,000 as well.

19:21:15 So technically like my 1st semester was like I was studying for free.

19:21:21 And then at the same time, you know you spoke about Ta and I. Right so.

19:21:27 I've always been like, you know, good at studies.

19:21:30 So I knew I had to.

19:21:33 If I want to, you know, get that? Or a, because.

19:21:36 Stevens is a very small campus, and there's a lot of competitions to it.

19:21:40 So.

19:21:41 I was like, if I want to be.

19:21:42 The best out there. I need to be, you know, showcase my talent to my professors.

19:21:47 So.

19:21:48 But in no time I was lucky enough to get a.

19:21:51 You know th our and I was a teaching assistant.

19:21:53 That way. I was able to also manage my expenses here, so.

19:21:58 Yeah, all in all in all, it was a good experience. And I did not have to like.

19:22:04 Struggle a lot.

19:22:05 I had. I knew what are the resources that are available and how to apply for them.

19:22:09 Stevens also has an employment website wherein you can directly apply for all on campus jobs.

19:22:15 And yeah, that is how.

19:22:19 Thanks for.

19:22:20 I would say like this is really helpful, because, you know, I I sit with a lot of people to discuss about with different universities.

19:22:30 And by far this is the You're the 1st one to talk about. The Rotary clubs.

19:22:34 Where you know something of this as well. You grants here in us as well, and you get paid for it, and you know you can use it as a second level of scholarship for your particular semester. So that was really good for you to use it.

19:22:48 And if we may know, like, what are the communities? If somebody from India right now is listening to like what was the community that you know. You were part of, like the Rotary Club that you're part of that. Do this scholarship. If you can talk about it, be good. If not, we can, you know, move forward as well.

19:23:09 Yeah, I mean, I getting our my bachelors. We were like, compulsively, we had to decide on which club we need to join. We had to be part of.

19:23:18 Any club that we want to. So I was part of 2 such clubs. One was lead, and one was protracted or rotary. So both are doing the same kind of job wherein, you know, they were helping the society, or you know.

19:23:30 Let's say we have some festival coming up. Let's coming up.

19:23:34 So we would go to the.

19:23:35 People who are from the village who are making all this.

19:23:40 Growing and purchasing things from them.

19:23:42 Trying to sell it in the society. Then, whatever money we get giving it back to the sellers.

19:23:47 Like, you know, one making them so. Those are the things that.

19:23:52 We were doing and.

19:23:53 You know, I feel like.

19:23:55 Those. When people see you're making an effort in the society.

19:24:00 You know, they would love to support you as well. So we were making some impact in the society, and that is when.

19:24:05 When I approach them. Like, you know, this is Mark. My plans are I would you know.

19:24:11 Be glad if I could. Yeah, get and help with this.

19:24:13 And they were ready to help me with this.

19:24:16 That is so, that is so thoughtful like.

19:24:21 I really like it. Like, you know, obviously, everyone does some other community work. We're also doing it as of now, like you yourself, when you're doing it right now by sharing your experience and giving it out. And this could be helpful for a lot of people sitting right now who are doing community work, and they could check it. So I would really say.

19:24:41 You know, check it through your international institutions as well that if something of this sort is legit and you can apply for it, and you can have some extra hands to bring down the tuition fee down for that particular semester that would really help. So thank you so much, Giovanni for sharing this and this. This would be helpful for a lot of people, because I know a lot of people do community work.

19:25:05 Be it in any country, on any level. Everyone does that.

19:25:08 But

19:25:10 The other thing that I wanted to touch base upon was the tn that you talked about. So

19:25:16 So you've mentioned about that website that Stevens had has that you can go and check on the open profiles under different professors or department. So is it like different pay for different other departments. Or it's just like.

19:25:31 At a constant you know, per hour price for each of the departments you work so I've heard in different colleges, like couple of departments. Pay you good couple of departments, maybe. Don't.

19:25:43 So is it the same for you as well.

19:25:46 Yeah, I mean, different departments have different budgets.

19:25:50 So yeah.

19:25:51 That is for sure, like different. But yeah, and.

19:25:53 I was working for 20 h.

19:25:55 So, and.

19:25:56 Same, yeah,

19:25:58 Yeah, there are few in my university.

19:26:00 Let's say.

19:26:01 In this case I had made a plan, and I was speaking to my seniors out there.

19:26:06 And that is when I realize, don't apply for a graduate.

19:26:09 Apply for the undergrad ts.

19:26:11 Because you get longer hours.

19:26:13 For graduate.

19:26:16 In, in, especially in my university. What was happening is they should select 2 tas or 3 tas.

19:26:21 And you know the 20 h used to be divided between those 2 or 3 tas.

19:26:25 But in my case, after speaking to seniors, I realized, Oh, this is not. This won't work out if I'm getting only 5 or 6 h.

19:26:32 So I started applying for undergrads.

19:26:34 And then for undergrad.

19:26:37 Because there are a lot of students.

19:26:39 And.

19:26:40 They don't have one or 2 t-s- in the course that I was doing a ta on.

19:26:45 That had atas and all atas had.

19:26:49 20 yards each.

19:26:50 Undergrads comes with a lot of doubts.

19:26:52 And that is the reason I'm like, Yeah, if you're applying for Ts, I would suggest you.

19:26:58 Also apply, for you know, undergrad roles. People think that you know, most students think that we can't apply for undergrad Ts, but is not the case. Same professor is gonna teach for undergrad. Same professor is gonna come and teach.

19:27:10 For you as as well. So you know. Why not? Ask the professor, and if you have the skills.

19:27:16 If you can give an interview with them, you're good to go.

19:27:19 Yeah. And to be honest, that's a fair point. Because with undergrad, the class is usually in 3 digits, like over 100 people in one class. So it's actually required for the professor especially to have multiple Tas.

19:27:34 And obviously, if that same professor is working on certain research, they would require as well. So they would have assignment, specific tas and greetings and exam prep ones as well. So I've heard that as well.

19:27:50 Nonetheless, in my university we were not allowed to go for undergrad. We could only go for the gradual Ta and Ra positions only. But yeah.

19:28:00 That is one thing that I've seen like, you know, 1, 5,200 kids in one class. And then you have tons and tons of things. And obviously you're there for longer, because the course is there for longer, like undergrad people do it for 4 years. If you're there for 18 months or 2 years. You're sorted.

19:28:17 Yep.

19:28:17 You know, like masters, people who can be done with 12 months and bye, bye, and then you have to search for another professor or anything else of that sort. So.

19:28:27 That's perfect, and I guess 20 h is good. But yeah, I was just only about 20 h, so I would be envious to people working as ta the undergrads. Yeah, it's it's more money, more time. Maybe.

19:28:42 Yeah, it's there. But yeah, depends on how it's allowed.

19:28:45 Yeah. And fun part was, you know, I was working in security, and you know, I was teaching how to use tools.

19:28:51 Clearing that out, thereby.

19:28:53 My knowledge base also was increasing because underground, used to come with like.

19:28:57 New new kind of, you know, stuff.

19:28:59 So I'll be like, Okay, this is something that's new. I need to research on this. So it was all fun.

19:29:05 I can understand that. But if you talk about your course duration, so is it like an 18 month course, or you can complete it early as well.

19:29:15 So it is an 18 month course.

19:29:19 You could complete in one year as well. But it is like Stevens doesn't allow you to do it.

19:29:26 They advise you to do it in 18 months, or, you know, go for 24.

19:29:30 Okay? And does it have, like a set of, you know, period to start like, does it only start in fall? Or it does start in different other time, as well like spring or summer.

19:29:41 So it starts in fall as well as spring.

19:29:45 Yeah.

19:29:46 Yes.

19:29:45 Okay, so you have 2 intakes together, like.

19:29:47 Twice. Okay. So you were part of the fall. Plan.

19:29:52 Do I need.

19:29:51 Fall into fall 2021.

19:29:53 Oh, nice. Okay, so nice. So you came and saw the winters.

19:29:59 Yeah.

19:29:58 Like the call, and then followed by the winters. And how is it for you.

19:30:04 Winters were surprisingly

19:30:07 To my, you know it was not that cold.

19:30:09 I was expecting. It'll be like.

19:30:10 Ye.

19:30:11 Too cold.

19:30:12 Look.

19:30:12 When I come here. It was not that cold.

19:30:14 And.

19:30:15 I started hearing from seniors that you know this is like 1st time that.

19:30:20 New Jersey is not cold, or New York is not cold.

19:30:23 Only I felt was during Christmas. It started getting cold, but before that it was not cold, and.

19:30:29 And for that particular year we only saw snow once, and that whole year.

19:30:34 And that rarely happens in New York.

19:30:37 So in last 3 years as well. I think I hardly seen snow like 5 to 6 times. That's it.

19:30:45 I saw snow in Dallas last year, so.

19:30:48 Oh, it! It's not in Dallas last year, and but you did not snow here.

19:30:51 Look at the magic. I never saw snow like. I came to United States in 2022 fall of 22, and I visited Nj. In 22, expecting I would see a white Christmas.

19:31:09 I know.

19:31:07 But yeah, it wasn't no snow, nothing. I could just see a quick mystery. No white Christmas tree.

19:31:14 Yes.

19:31:15 Yeah, that is how it was. I don't know. I I had heard after like 100 years, 75 years, something like that, something like that had happened.

19:31:23 So I'm like, okay.

19:31:23 We are a part of that.

19:31:26 Nice, so.

19:31:27 Moving forward like, how is your visa experience? Considering it was just the year after Covid.

19:31:35 2021. So how are things for you? And if you wanted to share anything about related to your experience.

19:31:44 It was pretty bad, honestly, it was like.

19:31:47 Pretty pretty bad. You have offers, you have everything.

19:31:51 And then.

19:31:52 You just have to wait on when you'll get the visa slot.

19:31:54 I mean. I tried.

19:31:55 Getting a slot in Mumbai. I was not able to get anything.

19:31:59 Tried getting in. Chennai.

19:32:00 Was not able to get it there.

19:32:02 So I had to wait.

19:32:04 Until August. Get my slot.

19:32:06 So finally I got the slot, but.

19:32:10 It will not. People, you know, scare you. I feel it wasn't that scary in my case, at least, I was like, I'm not. Gonna look at what people you know. Look at the experience people had. Look at one or 2 experiences.

19:32:24 Like. Now, I'm not. Gonna look at it and get.

19:32:25 And then

19:32:27 My experience was really good. The person like, you know, they in.

19:32:31 At the consulate. They just asked me which college.

19:32:34 And who's sponsoring.

19:32:36 That's what the only 2 questions that were asked to me. And then I was like, Okay, this should be, I got mine to done, and.

19:32:41 I think my I got more confidence looking at the person who's in front of me.

19:32:47 He was actually.

19:32:49 Shaking the and like, you know, it was shaking like anything. He was not able to put his fingers on the scanner as well.

19:32:56 Because like holding is another hand.

19:32:58 They're trying to place his hand on that and trying to do all of that.

19:33:01 And then I was like.

19:33:03 This person also called this person, did it easily.

19:33:06 I mean I can. You know I'm not nervous now. I can do it. So I feel like that is something you know.

19:33:11 Boosted my confidence there, so I had a pretty good experience with, like the visa thing.

19:33:16 But yeah, doing that phase of that.

19:33:20 Waiting for 3 months just to have that.

19:33:23 Resource lot having that uncertainty.

19:33:26 May I mean I had quit my job, and then, you know, I was just waiting. When will I get a resource? And then, you know.

19:33:31 I was not sure if I'll get the visa or no. So that was another thing, and like 20 days in 20 days, I had to fly.

19:33:38 So.

19:33:40 It was pretty bad, and then I had not even booked my tickets. You can imagine the I tickets if you're booking in August right.

19:33:46 Yeah.

19:33:46 So I had my interviews on second, and I flew to United States on 20 second.

19:33:52 I would still say.

19:33:55 I wonder that.

19:33:58 For me also

19:34:00 Getting the slots was difficult. The interview was just 10 seconds, the same questions that were asked to you. I was quick to answer that.

19:34:07 And I was done. I just ran away. I was like, nobody can stop me now. They have taken my passport, now it will be stammed and be back to me.

19:34:16 The funniest part was. I had that interview on 5th August.

19:34:21 And I had to fly on 12th August.

19:34:25 Sorry. 15th August.

19:34:28 So my tickets were done, everything was done, and you know I left my job. I paid everything. I was all ready, so you know I was at that space that I have to crack it like there's no going back from here, and I have to go there because the appointments were so tricky to get.

19:34:45 That one has to prepare things further.

19:34:47 And I understand, like August, is like so bad with flights.

19:34:52 So bad with getting a house wherever you go, because that's like the fall intake period, where everything is like.

19:35:00 So expensive.

19:35:01 So you know, a lot went there, and I guess.

19:35:05 Was it for you as well that you once you landed there, you were feeling more relaxed that you know.

19:35:11 Yeah.

19:35:10 Done with it. I came here to see forward to it.

19:35:14 Yeah, it was like, you know. Finally, after all, the weight.

19:35:18 I had to wait for one and a half year, you know.

19:35:21 So because I had to wait for the Covid.

19:35:24 Yeah.

19:35:23 To end as well. Right? So my 20 plans got shifted to 2021.

19:35:28 So things are like that.

19:35:29 But.

19:35:30 It was, you know. It taught us a lot of things so.

19:35:33 Yeah, it does. It does like, you know. It looks like it was really struggling, or it looks like, maybe it's a cake. You did it. But there goes a lot of things in the background as well. When we talk about these experience, and that's why I.

19:35:49 Want to talk about these experience, because it's different for everyone, because I had people.

19:35:55 Here talking about for them getting the visa slot. Was this quick.

19:35:59 Clearing. It was this. Quick they were, with their air tickets like 4 months.

19:36:04 I know.

19:36:04 You know you know all before it. They were just waiting with their bags that now they have to just fly them with chilling, and they came here, and they chilled as well.

19:36:12 And there are people like us who at the last moments are just running at their gates. Somehow.

19:36:18 Not at all finding things, and stuck somewhere.

19:36:22 I know.

19:36:22 So.

19:36:24 I agree to that point.

19:36:26 Cut to the chase like we've talked about.

19:36:30 While that college, you know why that particular course. And then we talked about the scholarship. We talked about the visa process. So we did talk about a lot of the before.

19:36:40 Things. Now. I wanted to talk more about the after things after you landed.

19:36:46 To the land of opportunities.

19:36:49 How would the.

19:36:52 Couple of weeks like initial couple of weeks for you in terms of you know.

19:36:56 Adjusting, you know.

19:36:58 Obviously a big culture shock. But how are you dealing up with things.

19:37:03 Were there any sort of preparations that you made beforehand, or there were any sort of learnings or anything you came up with.

19:37:10 That you were following. So how are things for you when you landed.

19:37:16 In my case it was like I felt like.

19:37:19 I was not in us. So I was like, you know, it just felt like normal.

19:37:24 To that extent, because, like, I could not believe that I was in us. I'm doing something.

19:37:30 The only thing is

19:37:32 So for me. I have been away from home for like 6 years.

19:37:36 Before I flew to United States. So like I did my bachelors, which was away from home then I've worked in.

19:37:45 Yeah, Bangalore for 2 years again, away from home. So I was like, I knew how to be like, you know, independent and staying alone and stuff. So after coming here.

19:37:53 I had one of the like crazy experiences. I came here. I landed here, you know. I opened my door, and I see a roommate of mine sitting in the sofa, and is like.

19:38:04 Are you missing a family?

19:38:05 And I was like.

19:38:07 Yeah.

19:38:08 And he started crying, and that is when I realized.

19:38:12 Oh, that is.

19:38:14 Sometimes, you know, if you're not out of your comfort zone.

19:38:18 You know, you get too much attached. And then then it's like, Okay, yeah, that is what happens. And now.

19:38:24 Yeah, in my case it did not happen. I had a smooth transition there.

19:38:28 And then I fell. Feel like.

19:38:32 Cultural shocks would be, you know.

19:38:35 Vehicle stopping for you.

19:38:38 In India, you, you know. Yeah, that was the things. And you know people talking to you so nicely.

19:38:44 So those were a few things that you know felt like, okay, this, this are the things that are different.

19:38:51 So, yeah.

19:38:52 Other than that I had like a.

19:38:54 They go pretty smooth.

19:38:56 Journey so far. When it comes to, I know there will be a point where you know you have to cook, and everything.

19:39:03 In my case.

19:39:04 Things.

19:39:05 Were not that, you know, difficult, because since I was away from home, and some cooking is something that I always love to do.

19:39:12 So it was like a sport transition on that.

19:39:18 It was a task for me.

19:39:22 Skoking.

19:39:21 That thing. Yes, it was now. It is not.

19:39:24 Now it's more of you know what everyone says, what we see on Instagram and other platforms. It's very therapeutic.

19:39:32 Oh, my God! Why not doing it initially, but.

19:39:36 You know you get the hang of it, you know. If you're not, you know.

19:39:40 Blowing up all the pressure cookers. If you're not, you know, eating at times, or anything of that.

19:39:48 I've done all that, but you know thankfully, my roommate was really a great cook, so.

19:39:55 I got food like really good Indian food. So.

19:39:58 There was something there, but you know

19:40:01 Ultimately you need to learn that now that I've moved from that student place to a different place where I stay alone. So you know, it's that.

19:40:09 To a level that if you want to get like a glass of water.

19:40:12 You have to get up. Go get that class of water, drink.

19:40:17 That. That's how you get it here, like, you know that that to that level at least.

19:40:22 So you know, it teaches you a lot of things. And these are the life lessons we've all gotten together about. You know a lot of different things.

19:40:31 For which we have struggled like bigger ones. Smaller ones, be it, you know, walking and not taking a cab, or you know.

19:40:39 Other things, so.

19:40:40 How like

19:40:42 The basic

19:40:44 Work that you have done when you landed here, like, you know, opening an account or submitting the transcripts to the college. How did it feel like.

19:40:53 Just, you know, getting the hang of.

19:40:56 The new country.

19:40:57 Yeah, so in at Stevens.

19:41:00 Like submitting the Transcript was,

19:41:03 Easier, so.

19:41:05 My undergrad university also had a platform where we could just directly send our scores to the University.

19:41:10 We don't have to, you know, depend on like, you know. Take a sealed envelope, go to the university.

19:41:17 We do not have to do that. We just had to use our college platform.

19:41:21 And just send it to the college, and we just had to confirm they received it.

19:41:24 So.

19:41:25 That was like pretty.

19:41:27 Easy in that aspect.

19:41:29 And.

19:41:31 That felt like, Okay, 1. 1 of those things are like sorted out.

19:41:35 And.

19:41:36 Opening the bank account. It took some time because you are in New Jersey, or, let's say, New York, a lot of students come in.

19:41:42 Getting an appointment was another hell of a task.

19:41:45 I had to wait for.

19:41:47 I think one and a half or 2 weeks.

19:41:50 Just to open an account.

19:41:51 And then I was like, I'm not getting it in New Jersey. I went to New York to get an account open.

19:41:57 So.

19:41:58 Yeah, that is how I got it.

19:41:59 I know like

19:42:01 Couple of people, you know. Whoever were coming late, or anything of that sort.

19:42:07 I heard like people telling them like.

19:42:10 Take a bank appointment when you, when you back in your home country itself, take it from there, if you find it somehow you go there so.

19:42:19 The nearest ones were always filled up.

19:42:21 But luckily I got the one in the nearest one that was like a walking distance from my residence.

19:42:28 And that was something great, because at times of issues, at least, you can walk up and get all those details as compared to people who have taken it.

19:42:36 To a father, one.

19:42:37 And you know you're just stuck there because.

19:42:41 You knew you're still exploring the city, how things work and stuff like that. So that's there. But.

19:42:49 How was? How was the 1st grocery done?

19:42:55 It was.

19:42:57 Fine. Then we started comparing.

19:42:59 Which.

19:42:59 Yeah.

19:43:00 The comparison game started where you know. Oh, you should not be spending so much, we should not be spending so much. So it went on for a month. Then I'm like no.

19:43:08 This is not, gonna you know, this is.

19:43:10 That's gonna make it bad.

19:43:11 Now it stays. Yeah.

19:43:12 Yeah, it's just to stop comparing it.

19:43:15 Here are.

19:43:14 You know.

19:43:16 I just think of the time, you know. I don't know if you also think it. There was one day where you were just skimming through the aisles, checking, you know, which one to take.

19:43:26 And you know, stuff like that. Then.

19:43:29 There comes a time when you're pretty.

19:43:32 This blue one.

19:43:34 This packet of bread, this butter, this.

19:43:38 And you're all done out. You're so clear with the self checkout and everything, and you're all good. But you know that transition from not knowing anything, being overwhelmed to see everything.

19:43:49 And then, do you know all grabbing together? So that that's how is that experience with you?

19:43:56 I mean, I would say, Yeah, I.

19:43:59 I had the similar kind of an experience that you know you had.

19:44:02 But

19:44:04 I found.

19:44:06 I've I've.

19:44:08 For me. It was like.

19:44:09 Since I was reliving with roommate. You know.

19:44:12 Split wise came into place, you know, like everything was like divided. Okay, I'm not spending a lot. I'm not spending a lot.

19:44:18 So that is how things happened.

19:44:21 And initially it took some time to exist.

19:44:23 And you know.

19:44:24 But then.

19:44:26 That would also be situations wherein I know what I want to buy. But then, after looking at things around, people like, I can take this as well. I can take this as well, so that your cost.

19:44:37 And you know, when you talk to your parents.

19:44:39 Understandable with girls. It happens a lot. You.

19:44:42 Tend to shop extra.

19:44:44 Yeah.

19:44:45 So.

19:44:46 So.

19:44:46 Yeah. Go ahead.

19:44:47 Yeah, so yeah, that was, that was an experience where you know.

19:44:51 I would always spend 10 to $20 more than what was intended to. You know.

19:44:56 Smart.

19:44:59 So that that's that's always there. But if you may also talk about bits of like a housing situation, like what are like the common places that students normally, you know, choose those areas to stay around. And obviously.

19:45:16 If you can shed some light on the transportation system in and around the housing towards the university, there was any, and if any, was provided by the University that you could take on so.

19:45:30 Yeah, so Stevens did have like shuttle services.

19:45:34 Which would take you around the university or pick you from, you know, locations nearby. My university was in Hoboken, so if you are in Hoboken. It would pick you from any of the locations and drop you at the college or university. So that was like really good.

19:45:49 And most people stay in areas like Jersey Heights.

19:45:54 Or Jersey.

19:45:56 Because Hoboken is on the riverfront, and it's getting it gets a little. You know the rent.

19:46:02 Keeps on increasing, because it's.

19:46:05 So so most students would be living in.

19:46:10 The City or Jersey Heights.

19:46:13 Got it? Yep.

19:46:13 I'm coming to the rent, I would say.

19:46:15 If you're living in Hoboken.

19:46:17 And if you're living in Jersey we'll have like around $1,000 difference.

19:46:23 And it's basically like, always like

19:46:27 2 people occupancy, or it's like a 4 people depending on

19:46:31 Yeah, depending on, you know.

19:46:35 The kind of owner you have.

19:46:36 So.

19:46:37 If you have an American owner. Yeah.

19:46:40 Things are on, they restrict you.

19:46:42 But I always prefer staying in a small circle rather than being, you know, crowded.

19:46:47 All the time.

19:46:49 Will.

19:46:49 So that way you get to talk to people around, try to understand what they are trying to do.

19:46:55 And all all my rumors when they were not from cyber security. So I was able to get an experience of what they are learning. So that was all fun.

19:47:05 Nice.

19:47:06 Okay.

19:47:08 So, Katrice? This was all really helpful to know about the places and everything. So next I wanted to talk about things that you started up from India. And then, obviously, you're continuing it here as well. So talk about a little bit of community experience that you gained either through your institution. Obviously, whatever clubs or anything that you were exposed of, or.

19:47:30 How many things like Steven offers. And then, obviously, we know there are a lot of things that you are involved through Linkedin and other platforms as well. So if you can talk.

19:47:41 Through these elements that you know.

19:47:44 People trying to come up to Stevens if they want to know more about how things they can, you know, be part of, because.

19:47:51 These clubs, these cultural groups.

19:47:54 Really helps you with a lot of things as a new and international students with the university.

19:48:01 Yeah.

19:48:01 So in our trial. So since I had some community experience back in India. So I was like, Okay, all universities that I want to be a part of. Let me start reaching out to the.

19:48:13 Graduate peer team, which would, you know, help you with any of your doubts on? You know about the university, about what is going on. What is like? What do you have to do once you land here, everything we have, like certain, like 20 to 30 graduate peer students. Who would, you know.

19:48:30 Be there, mentor you. They will also come to pick you up at the airport.

19:48:34 And they don't make it an easy transition for your life, you know. So that was something that.

19:48:41 Help me!

19:48:42 Other than that.

19:48:43 I feel there were communities like Indian communities wherein I could ask about this particular university to get some.

19:48:51 Input on, like, you know how the university is and how the location is and stuff.

19:48:55 So those universities like those university groups on Facebook for me.

19:49:02 And getting to know more information. And yeah.

19:49:08 Okay? So anything. That Stevens helped you to, you know. Be part of any sort of conferences like cyber conferences. Is there any sort of support in terms of like in terms of financial side.

19:49:23 Or in any other ways that Steven supports.

19:49:28 Their students or the department, maybe not the entire college, but just the department.

19:49:32 Yeah, they do have like, you know, if you if you want to go to the conference, they do have like conference that you can apply for like. If let's say you're you want to go to the grace of a conference.

19:49:43 So you can. There is an application that has been sent out. You have to fill that application out, and you know.

19:49:50 It's it's all. It's all on 1st comfort basis. So you know, the earlier you get in.

19:49:55 So that is, there are grants you can apply to them.

19:49:58 But then you have to be very quick with them.

19:50:01 Other than that, you also had like career, advise sessions which were like pretty good. And

19:50:06 It will also play Po for interviews and stuff.

19:50:10 That. That's that's really nice to know, because I know how these conferences

19:50:27 Yep.

19:50:16 Get filled up really fast and with a lot of students together applying. It's it's really good that they have at least some platform where you can apply. It's just on you to be as quick as possible and plan things in a way for the next year that if you want to attend certain conferences.

19:50:33 So that's really good to know that.

19:50:36 Next, and I guess this is very close to our session as well, where we wanted to talk more about. Obviously we talked a lot about the masters, the journey, the city, and you know the transitioning.

19:50:50 I know with that end goal of that, you start working in a specific domain of cyber security. And you know.

19:50:59 Be part of

19:51:00 An employer here and start working on things have that us perspective as well, because I know you have worked back in India as well, so how is the job? Experience? I know, considering the job market was really thin, since I guess 2,022 like fall of 22, it started to deteriorate a lot with now being really bad, and I see a lot of struggling people.

19:51:24 But how was it for you.

19:51:26 Couple of quick strategies that you could share, and then we'll talk more about like, how does it align with your.

19:51:33 Degree program. And you know, how is it going.

19:51:37 Yeah. So I think it was in March 2022.

19:51:42 That is, when I started.

19:51:44 Realising.

19:51:45 Networking is the goal here.

19:51:47 I knew it before, but I was someone who was not, you know. I was afraid to go and talk.

19:51:52 So that is something.

19:51:54 I feel like one thing that New York and New Jersey has given me is

19:51:58 Going, that giving, that, giving me that confidence that I can do it.

19:52:02 And you know I can go up front and talk about it. So it was in March I think I met my mentor. Her name is Martha.

19:52:09 So.

19:52:10 She had. She was a part of Vcs back. Then.

19:52:13 And you know I just had message saying, you know I'm looking for some guidance.

19:52:17 And shared message shared, put her email on her Linkedin post.

19:52:22 It was a random email.

19:52:24 To Martha.

19:52:25 And.

19:52:27 Luckily she responded to that email, and then we had our 1st call. I spoke about. You know what my situation is.

19:52:33 And then

19:52:34 That is how I understood how much important is to have a mentor.

19:52:38 And you know how that journey.

19:52:40 And then.

19:52:42 Also because it is because.

19:52:45 Through her network. I got my 1st job as well.

19:52:48 So you know I was.

19:52:49 Working hard, and then she was, you know, because she hadn't. She had a pretty good network out there.

19:52:55 She spoke about me, and you know, through the through her network I got my 1st job as well in us. So, having that mentor to guide you.

19:53:04 And if you're putting all the effort with that mentor.

19:53:07 That mentor will make sure that you know you are getting all the benefits, and you know you.

19:53:13 Get what you want to do. So that is one thing, and.

19:53:17 In the during the same journey.

19:53:18 I was also introduced to. In July 2022, I met Rochira.

19:53:24 And then I got introduced to Pbwic.

19:53:27 I got introduced to Lupa first, st and then from Sutherup I got introduced to you.

19:53:31 And then aster.

19:53:33 And.

19:53:34 Those were the things that you know, went on building my confidence level up.

19:53:39 I feel like these are the communities.

19:53:43 That are responsible to making me who I am today.

19:53:46 They gave me the platform.

19:53:49 To be myself, to have that confidence, to come and talk.

19:53:51 And that is when I realized, okay, I can do this. And I started going to the conferences.

19:53:56 More, often.

19:53:59 Yes, and that's how we met in person for the very 1st time. So.

19:54:05 This is something that that has become a thing for me back from India as well that you know that small community growing together in a new country.

19:54:14 And it's flourishing. Well, we are a tight knit together, and we're now opening up to new people as well to help them in whatever ways we can.

19:54:23 And obviously you being part of it. Now you are helping other folks as well. With all your experience, all your detailings and.

19:54:32 We really am proud of every each one of us together that you know, we could actually help each other in times together. Obviously we don't meet every day, but you know, in a new country we're all each other support and each other's family, and.

19:54:46 That's how Bwwic foundation, you know. Keep.

19:54:49 Pressing on things like this. And we're all together into this because.

19:55:07 Yeah.

19:54:54 At the end of the day. Your networking plays a very, very important role, you know, with you getting introduced to a lot of people, and I suppose, Shannon, you would have attended a lot of local meetups in in J. And my, as well, you know, because I know a lot of different chapters of Isc. Square and Isaka. All of them are situated there, and I know a lot of good people.

19:55:18 Lead, that.

19:55:19 And.

19:55:20 I know a lot would have been connected through those circles as well.

19:55:26 Yeah, definitely, you know.

19:55:27 But the only factor in my case was, you know, I did not have that confidence getting up, you know, going to the.

19:55:34 Events.

19:55:35 You know my journey has been a little hard in that way.

19:55:38 But then, going from a diverse point of view, it will know. I always had to think twice on what will happen.

19:55:44 So.

19:55:45 But.

19:55:45 See your confidence now. It's so perfect like touch would like, you know, these are the things we get.

19:55:51 To learn from here by connecting with a lot of people, and everyone's like super helpful with things to help you. And you know, push you through that doors.

19:56:01 Any.

19:56:02 That. That's how you see those changes in yourself.

19:56:05 Yes, and I mean, you know, that is when I realized, and that is one of the things that you know. I also started doing.

19:56:13 And I'm still doing it right now, wherein you know.

19:56:16 I know.

19:56:18 How mentors play are very important. Role.

19:56:21 That's the reason I also started this whole session where you know I speak to.

19:56:26 People are students who want to come in.

19:56:28 Now for their masters, or they don't. They want to.

19:56:31 Transition to cyber security.

19:56:33 So that's journey has been like, really.

19:56:36 Going great as well.

19:56:38 I understand, like nowadays, coffee conversations, they they have become really, you know, important.

19:56:45 And I would say they are really integral now, because it's not always that. Okay, me and Shevan are talking right now, but you know there's always like a barter here that you know we're talking because of some reason. No, at times it's just.

19:56:59 You can be just talking about some random shit.

19:57:03 And.

19:57:04 That's how you grow your relationship from there. And that's how you know. Okay.

19:57:09 Was searching for a job. We talked about it. We did not talk about a job.

19:57:12 But.

19:57:14 We. We talked about it, and later, somehow, some contact, some chains build up and things work like that. So.

19:57:21 You know, making and creating those contacts is important, because at times you just sit together and talk about like the other person's work. Life.

19:57:30 How things work. Maybe in a bank, or anything of that sort which you know can let you learn a lot of things as well to upscale.

19:57:39 So I think so. You know. Coffee, conversations.

19:57:45 If you are still not prepped into this, I guess you should start investing time into it.

19:57:50 And.

19:57:52 Obviously day one would be difficult. Day. 10 would be also. But I guess eventually you'll get the hang of it to talk.

19:57:59 You know, when you come to a new country there are different things that you have to take care of, like there are certain communication skills that you have to build up. And you know, those soft skills are really really important, too.

19:58:13 Come up to a point that can you please refer me before that? Can you please refer me? There has to be some sort of conversation to be built up.

19:58:21 And that's something that I have also learned here for the past 2 years, like I wasn't polished in ways. But can you learn? You eventually grow and coexist into the environment. And that's what you did as well. And.

19:58:34 You came out great.

19:58:36 Yeah, I mean, you know.

19:58:38 The conferences built up, and I would suggest any students, you know, watching this right now.

19:58:46 That will come within, you know, feeling that it will be like India.

19:58:51 Yet. Companies won't come.

19:58:53 Looking for you. You know they won't come to the campus. You'll have campus hireings and stuff.

19:58:57 Yeah, few universities do it, but not every university does it.

19:59:02 It's all you here.

19:59:04 How much effort you put in, how much effort you've put in the university, how much effort you've put to upskill yourself. It's very important to get that job.

19:59:12 If you're not doing that, it will be pretty hard here, and.

19:59:15 I would like, you know, request everyone just not to come, because you know.

19:59:21 Your friend is joining that university.

19:59:23 That is.

19:59:25 People, making mistakes on.

19:59:28 Join the university because you want to be there. You want to upscale.

19:59:31 And you know, take that as a lesson, and if you're working hard you will eventually get to what you want to do.

19:59:38 It takes time, I would still say,

19:59:42 Not everybody's life. Here is a struggle.

19:59:45 At times people have a smooth experience with things as well. I would not say, but, yeah, there is struggle with things over here, and you have to cater to it alone. So.

19:59:55 You know you have to be that person who can, you know.

20:00:02 Route his or her life.

20:00:04 His or herself like, you know, there's nobody else who would, you know, do it for you.

20:00:10 But you know people like us can be the pushing elements there that we can push you. We can guide you together with, you know.

20:00:19 10 of us have 10 experiences. We learn from it. And we, you know, let anybody know about it as well. So but yeah, it's just you.

20:00:27 So that's something. You are your heroine.

20:00:32 And you only will drive it together. So those are really good advices that you know.

20:00:38 You could give it out to anyone planning to come up for their masters or for their postgraduate, or maybe for their undergrad itself. So that would be really good for them to be self sufficient, independent, and you know.

20:00:54 Start networking. Because that's really important over here.

20:00:58 No, it's very important. And one of the things it's like.

20:01:02 Then the application process, something that I missed. I feel.

20:01:05 I would suggest.

20:01:07 Everyone you know don't.

20:01:09 Go for like, you know, if you.

20:01:11 Terms like English exams right now, which can be given instead of aisles.

20:01:17 You can just go for daily. You'll save up a lot of.

20:01:20 And money there.

20:01:21 So that is something.

20:01:23 That I've been suggesting all my friends who have been coming to us now.

20:01:27 Just go for whatever makes things.

20:01:30 Line life easier for you just over that.

20:01:32 And don't spend money here. Don't spend just like that, just because you know, someone is telling you, do your own research on that.

20:01:39 And yeah, I would really want want to say something here that you know, always keep the university's website as your source of truth.

20:01:48 Because I know there are changes, maybe not to the entire university, but maybe to that specific department that you're applying to.

20:01:57 And it's very, very important for you to research everything like in terms of, like the college, the city, the weather, the costings, everything like everything. You have to look out for everything, because.

20:02:10 If you go there, you have to.

20:02:13 Look up to a lot of things like living and everything else. So it's better to research a lot rather than be, you know. Quick in your decision, not mindful. And then you'll land up to really awkward situation. So it's good to research everything and connect, because there are certain like are there like Shivani webinars for

20:02:35 That Stevens.

20:02:37 Institute.

20:02:37 Yeah.

20:02:40 Yes.

20:02:42 Yeah.

20:02:37 Like organizing for international students that type.

20:02:43 They do have, like webinars in person as well in Bangalore, Mumbai.

20:02:49 I had to turn on a virtual webinar, wherein, you know, they had given us.

20:02:54 Application waivers as well. So, and they do not pay for the application as well. So attending webinars, just emailing.

20:03:02 Yeah. University.

20:03:03 Or also give you some waivers. So please do email the universities, and if they like, you know.

20:03:10 Profile is really good, they would.

20:03:13 They? They will be happy to give you an you know coupon code that would, you know, nullify your application, cost.

20:03:19 I agree, like I also attended a webinar of my university, and that was really helpful. So.

20:03:25 There are tons and tons of resources. It's just you have to go on to.

20:03:30 The website, check everything, connect with the advisors for your specific course.

20:03:36 And you could get tons and tons of knowledge that you can list and then decide for yourself. Okay, this fits best.

20:03:42 With my experience, with my skill set, and with what I want to do in life. So.

20:03:47 That is all like great information that you shared. And I could know a lot of things about you as well that I wasn't aware of about your college life. So thank you so much again for taking our time sharing that information because it is really helpful to anyone planning.

20:04:05 And

20:04:05 I would really hope. Good luck for your

20:04:10 Current. You know, job.

20:04:12 You know the city and everything else together stay safe and hopefully. We catch up soon again.

20:04:19 And hopefully, you get snow this year.

20:04:22 Yes, hopefully, and thank you so much for having me. And it was really.

20:04:26 Good to, you know. Share my experience.

20:04:28 So thank you so much for giving this platform.

20:04:31 Thank you so much. Again and bye everyone.