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Protecting The Overlooked: SMBs and Mid Market Organizations | 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine | A Coro Story with Dror Liwer

Episode Summary

Coro is the only cybersecurity company the built a platform that SMBs can use to protect themselves against Cyber threats. Join us for 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine to learn more about Coro and their offering.

Episode Notes

SMBs and Mid Market companies make up 63% of the GDP, and over 70% of employment - making them the backbone of the economy. The entire cybersecurity industry is focused on the enterprise market, paying lip service to the SMB SME segments, leaving them vulnerable to cyber attacks. Coro decided to change the status quo and built a platform that was designed from day one for the overlooked SMB and SME segments - because we believe they deserve the best protection there is so they can focus on growing their businesses, and not cyber threats.

There were three barriers to SMBs getting adequate protection: The need for multiple tools to get end to end protection, the extreme labor intensiveness of managing these platforms, and the overall cost. What Coro did was create a platform that removes all three barriers. 1) It's a single platform with one dashboard and one endpoint agent that covered all of the cybersecurity needs. 2) The platform uses smart automation to offload workloads from people to machines, dramatically reducing the need to chase and remediate security events manually, and 3) Provide all of that for a price point that any SMB could easily afford.

Visit the Coro website and schedule a call with our Cyber Experts to see how we can help.

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Guest: Dror Liwer, Co-Founder at Coro [@coro_cyber]

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Episode Transcription

Protecting The Overlooked: SMBs and Mid Market Organizations | 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine | A Coro Story with Dror Liwer

Please note that this transcript was created using AI technology and may contain inaccuracies or deviations from the original audio file. The transcript is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the original recording, as errors may exist. At this time, we provide it “as it is,” and we hope it can be helpful for our audience.


Sean Martin: [00:00:00] We're ready for another seven minutes here on ITSP Magazine with a new short brand story. Today I'm joined by Dror Liwer, Liwer, sorry, uh, co founder of Coro, the company offering small and medium sized businesses cloud based cyber security for every part of their company, protecting email, data, cloud apps, devices, even users, and I believe Even more than that, which we'll probably talk about today. 

Welcome, Jor.  

Dror Liwer: Thank you for having me, Sean.  

Sean Martin: It's good, good to have you on again. And, um, so let's get into it. So, give us a sense of the state of cyber security in the mid market. Uh, maybe based on some conversations you've recently had as well and why this segment has become or is a focus for the team at Quora. 

Dror Liwer: So it's, uh, mid market and below. So we are looking at truly the backbone of the economy, the, this, these are the people that produce 63 percent of the GDP in the [00:01:00] Western world, uh, provide employment for 70 percent of a population in the Western world yet. Uh, we're completely overlooked by the cyber security industry at large on basically the current cyber security industry is very happy to take their money, but really is not interested in building a product that fits them. 

And that's really what we decided to do. We decided that these people. Uh, who are the, uh, salt of the earth, deserve the kind of security, uh, that, uh, bigger enterprise organizations have, uh, in a way that they can actually consume it, pay for it, and use it. And that's really the mission of the project. That, uh, that we have as a company. 

Sean Martin: So you say organizations, vendors, security vendors, and service providers, even happy to take the money, um, and kind of force feeding enterprise grade stuff onto the small market, [00:02:00] uh, infrastructure. Uh, where does that typically break down?  

Dror Liwer: Well, it normally breaks down. First of all, in many cases. my customers wouldn't be able to afford many of those products. 

So then they make really tough decisions on which parts of their business should they protect because they can't afford full protection, right? So that's one thing, uh, that is, um, creating huge amount of pain for this industry, but even if they could afford it, they now need to go out and buy 15 to 20 different products. 

Uh, disparate products, point solutions and try to manage them. My customers don't have a very large I. T. Team. Many of them don't even large. I don't even have a cyber security team. The I. T. Team needs to do this kind of work there. They don't have the time to get trained on all of these different products. 

They don't have the time to manage these different products. Uh, they don't have the knowledge on how to [00:03:00] configure everything and integrate everything. Mhm. And what ends up happening is actually a false sense of security that results in breaches. Um, what we've come to the table and said, forget all this headache. 

Um, here is a single platform that covers, as you mentioned before, The user, the device to use the network, they're connected through the cloud services and the email and the file servers that they're connected to everything, including data governance in one platform that has a single dashboard that is very, very simple to use and one end point agent for all of the different aspects of security on that end point, which means we've taken away An enormous amount of the workload. 

We've, we're giving it to the customers for price that they can easily afford. Uh, and we've taken away all of the complexity of [00:04:00] integrating, managing, running after events and so forth and so on, um, completely, uh, off the table. So they can focus on running their business, focus on really, uh, meaningful tasks and not the menial. 

of administrating cybersecurity products.  

Sean Martin: So I picture this picture two types of organizations here. Those that have the wherewithal that can include skills and staffing and budget and what not to to take control of this themselves and those that Don't want to or can't do that and turn to a service provider for some assistance. 

How does what you offer help both of those organizations?  

Dror Liwer: So even those that go through, um, a service provider, the service provider is Uh, stuck in the same conundrum because if they need to [00:05:00] build a very big stack, uh, in order to provide cybersecurity to an organization, that stack costs them a lot of money and that cost gets offloaded to that, uh, end customer. 

And also that stack requires a very large, experienced, expensive team to run. And therefore they need to offload that cost to the customer. And then the customer needs to make the exact same decision. You know, I'm going to only take email security from you because that's all I can afford. What we've done was we are now enabling those service providers to go to their customers and say, no more, you can actually have end to end powerful security that you can afford that we can actually manage on your behalf because it reduced our workload and therefore those savings can be saved. 

Now passed on to you. The entire stack is a fraction of the cost of what it would've been had we bought it from other vendors or built a stack from point solutions and those savings can be [00:06:00] passed on to you. So suddenly we have opened the small business and mid-market. Um, market to those service providers to be able to offer a truly powerful, um, end to end cyber security capability to those, uh, customers who are in such dire need for cyber security. 

Sean Martin: And I want to point out that this, There's the setting up of the technologies. There's a maintenance of them. There's the management of them, but there's also stuff happens still. There's a human element involved and, and threats, threat actors are progressive and things happen. So you're there to help as, as your partners are with some of the response stuff too, which I think is cool. 

So how the last few seconds here, drawer, how do folks get in touch with you and learn more?  

Dror Liwer: You just go to our website, coro. net, C O R O. net. There is a button there that, uh, connects you directly to one of our cybersecurity experts that could help [00:07:00] you.