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The Art of Possible In the World of Enterprise Storage Solutions | 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine | A Short Brand Innovation Story From RSA Conference 2024 | A Infinidat Story with Bill Basinas

Episode Summary

In the fast-paced world of enterprise storage solutions and cyber resilience, one company stands out for its commitment to providing unparalleled customer experiences and cutting-edge technology - Infinidat.

Episode Notes

7 Minutes Conversation at RSA Conference

As the Senior Director of Product Marketing, Bill Basinas brings a wealth of experience and knowledge as he sits down with Sean Martin for a new episode of "7 Minutes on ITSP Magazine" live from the RSA Conference. Bill shared insights into how Infinidat is redefining the landscape of storage solutions.

Bridging the Gap with InfiniSafe Technology

Bill's discussion shed light on how Infinidat's InfiniSafe technology is leading the industry in cyber resilience and data protection. In a world where cyber attacks are becoming increasingly prevalent, organizations need robust solutions to safeguard their critical data assets. Infinidat's platform not only ensures uninterrupted operations but also builds a bridge between cyber security measures and data storage.

Meeting the Evolving Needs of Customers

In the conversation, Bill highlighted how customers are constantly evolving, moving towards cloud-based solutions, and generating vast amounts of data. In response to these changing dynamics, Infinidat is continuously adapting its strategies to meet the evolving needs of its clientele.

Looking Towards the Future

As the discussion continues, Bill teased upcoming developments at Infinidat, hinting at new announcements that will further revolutionize the industry. With a focus on orchestrating end-to-end data protection and recovery processes, Infinidat is set to unveil groundbreaking solutions that will redefine data security.

Connecting with Infinidat

For those intrigued by Infinidat's cutting-edge technology and commitment to cyber resilience, Bill shared insights on how to connect with the company. Through webinars, live demos, and product demonstrations, individuals can delve deeper into the world of Infinidat and explore the innovative solutions they offer.

This conversation with Bill Basinas provided a fascinating glimpse into the world of enterprise storage solutions and cyber resilience. Infinidat's dedication to pushing boundaries and delivering unmatched customer experiences sets them apart in a competitive industry.

Stay tuned for more updates from Infinidat as they continue to lead the way in secure data storage and cyber resilience.

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Note: This story contains promotional content. Learn more.

Guest: Bill Basinas, Sr. Director Product Marketing, Infinidat [@Infinidat]

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Episode Transcription

The Art of Possible In the World of Enterprise Storage Solutions | 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine | A Short Brand Innovation Story From RSA Conference 2024 | A Infinidat Story with Bill Basinas

lease note that this transcript was created using AI technology and may contain inaccuracies or deviations from the original audio file. The transcript is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the original recording, as errors may exist. At this time, we provide it “as it is,” and we hope it can be helpful for our audience.


[00:00:00] Sean Martin: Here we are, ready for another 7 Minutes on ITSP Magazine with a new short brand story. Today I'm joined by Bill Basinas. He's the Senior Director of Product Marketing at Infinidat, the company on a mission to provide unparalleled storage solutions and customer experiences for the enterprise around the globe. 

Bill, welcome.  

[00:00:16] Bill Basinas: Thank you. Very glad to be here.  

[00:00:18] Sean Martin: Glad to have you on as well. So this episode of 7 Minutes on ITSP Magazine comes to you live from RSA Conference, where the theme this year is all about the Art of Possible. Let's And sometimes even the most creative works of art need to be re envisioned to reach new audiences that have different perspectives and like to look at things in different ways. 

And I think the same, the same model of exploration and creativity can be applied to organizations that are seeking greatness to, uh, to help their customers achieve new, new things. And, uh, I think with the theme of resilience also coming up this year. Uh, throughout the convers  

[00:00:54] Bill Basinas: pretty, pretty prevalent. 

[00:00:55] Sean Martin: Yeah, exactly. I think, uh, the history and vision of Infinidat, uh, is gonna capture the minds of many this year at, at RSA.  

[00:01:03] Bill Basinas: Well, we, we hope so. Um. You know, the company has been around for a while, about, uh, 14, 15 years now. We're an enterprise class storage company that provides, uh, the storage capabilities where the biggest, you know, companies in the world store their most critical data assets. 

And we present and support the architectures that allow them to run uninterrupted with full availability and, you know, with confidence that their businesses will be able to continue to run. You know, as we have looked at evolving what we do, we certainly have that same core set of, um, capabilities. But with the way that, I guess, our general world has changed, especially around cyber resilience and cyber security, um, you know, everybody has to change. 

It's a different world. And fortunately, our platform has built in a way that allows us to take advantage of many things that we inherently already did and be able to build on those and help provide and build what we think is one of the industry leading cyber resilient platforms for storage in the industry that we call our infinisave technology and that's really provided us a gateway to be here and to be able to talk about Bridging that gap between what happens in the attack plane, if you will, within the enterprise and ultimately where the data is ultimately stored. 

Those most critical data assets are stored on our technology. So we have to be part of that solution.  

[00:02:39] Sean Martin: Absolutely. And I want to know, Bill, how the, uh, as you're talking to customers, they're experiencing change, right? They're reinventing themselves as well. They're moving stuff to the cloud. They're creating more data. 

They're using new technologies. How does that change how you interact with them to understand what they need from you?  

[00:02:58] Bill Basinas: Yeah, that's a, that's a really good question because the challenges are, are widespread. Um, not only for cyber security, but when we look at data center technology in general. Uh, cyber resilience is obviously, it's one of the top two things that all CEOs, CFOs, and CISOs, and um, Look at about, you know, it's a, it's a high level business technology decision. 

Um, and when they're looking at that, they have to determine not only, you know, what are they going to, um, what are they going to do from a spend perspective, but where they're going to get the most value for their dollars. And when we think about the kinds of SLA driven value that people are looking for today, we feel that we're a great fit there because of, again, we've cut our teeth and have our history in supporting enterprise applications and workloads. 

And now adding cyber resilience, you know, into that brings us into a space where You know, we add a lot of value to what customers are ultimately looking to do, and we're helping, again, we're helping bridge that gap where people haven't, you know, haven't, haven't really thought about cyber security as to where the data lives. 

Um, We've been at it now for a few years and where our competitors are, you know, kind of mimicking a little less than what we've done over the years and we're proud of that, you know, and we're continuing to push our initiatives forward with our Infinisave technology and, you know, we have some really exciting things that we're going to be announcing in a couple of weeks as a matter of fact. 

[00:04:39] Sean Martin: Ah, perfect. Well, everybody ought to stay tuned for that. Give us a sneak peek of a scenario then, if you can't say what it is. Tell us the scenario.  

[00:04:47] Bill Basinas: Sure. You know, if you envision a capability where in the face of chaos, if you will, a cyber attack, when everything is chaotic, when something happens, the first thing that people need to do is validate their data. 

Right? Because that's what's being compromised. And we can help them down that path very easily today. Now the whole idea here is, how do you bridge the gaps and how that data is protected? And we have some very interesting announcements coming up around exactly how that happens and how to orchestrate that from end to end with the ability to fully know exactly the state of their data. 

[00:05:28] Sean Martin: Okay? And industries, types of organizations.  

[00:05:33] Bill Basinas: Very broad, right? We're on 25 percent of the Fortune 50. Financial, manufacturing, automotive, pharma. We touch all of them with our technology because we're a trusted platform.  

[00:05:48] Sean Martin: I'm glad you do, because I'm sure my health data is somewhere in there.  

[00:05:53] Bill Basinas: A lot of those guys too. 

[00:05:55] Sean Martin: Yeah, they have their own data in there too. Bill, it's been, uh, it's been fantastic chatting with you. Um, obviously we'll encourage everybody to stay tuned to hear about the new news. How can, how can folks connect with you?  

[00:06:05] Bill Basinas: They can get a lot of information off of our website, infinidat. com. We have a number of, um, interviews, uh, webinars, and product demonstrations around cyber resilience. 

We do, uh, Monthly webinars around it. And we do, well, they'll see recorded live demos, but when we do the webinars live, we actually do live demos, not recorded demos. So, we put our money where our mouth is and we back everything we do up with guarantees. So we guarantee all our SLAs, all our capability, our recovery guarantees, on cyber resilience and recovery. 

So, it's across our entire portfolio of products.  

[00:06:44] Sean Martin: That's impressive.  

That's impressive, Bill. Well, listen, I hope everybody who, who needs, uh, Data protection reaches out to Infinidat and connects with you, Bill. And, uh, stay tuned for the stories. That's, uh, seven minutes here on ITSP Magazine.  

[00:06:57] Bill Basinas: Appreciate being here.